
W.O.D. 10.12.17

Halloween is HERE at CFKOP! 
Join us at our annual in-house Workout 'WOLVERINE' Saturday, October 28 at 9am followed by a Halloween Party! Bring a trick or treat to share and don't forget to wear your costume!
Best Costume wins a PRIZE!

3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 GHD Sit-ups
20 Burpees over the bar
10 Overhead Squats (105/155#)

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. 
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. 6/7am

    Kevin B 19:06 (105)
    Theresa 21:45 (26# kb goblet squat)
    Jeff B 23:36 (95, 20ghd/10abmats)
    Manisha 25:59 (65#)
    Ellie H 21:43 (75#, 2/3rds ghd)
    Mike S 27:44 (75#)

    Joe C 23:!3 (115#, 15 ghd/15 abmats)

  2. 9:30am
    Kevin H 21:30 1/2M Bike, 53
    Brian S. 25:51 115
    Gabby 27:47 Abm/15BOB/35Rom
    Danny Y 24:40 10GHD&20ABMS/53Rom

    Jenna 24:02 75
    Steph V 24:40 1/2M Bike/15ABMS&15GHD/83ROM

  3. 12:15pm
    Karen 27:03 55
    Olan 25:18 ABM/115
    Tim H 15:10 2R 1/2m bike/abms/45
    Matt T 224:10 15GHD&15ABMS/75
    Rich A 25:05 Rx
    Pete D 22:55 ABM/125
    Justin D 20:17 2Rnds/ABMS/45Box
    JP 28:45 ROM
    Byrnsey 21:43 Row/ABMS/75
    Nicole R 22:06 Some GHD&ABMS/15Bur/33rom

    I want to thank Olan for following my directions on where to run for the 400m, as he was the only one. I made the decision to change the run for your safety. I realize that the path you all took turned put to work just fine, but the fact of the matter is my directions were not followed simply because it was perceived to be a longer distance, so it made it easier not to do what I said. You aren't paying your hard earned money for easier. I still love you all...but if I tell you to do something (baring its going to hurt you or you know its not in your best interest) please do it.

  4. Masters
    Terry 21:12 Row/15GHD/FS55
    Anne B 19:58 15 GHD/FS45ball
    Ina 21:51 15GHD/FS65

  5. 430

    Keith 19:47 row, abm
    Katelyn 19:15, 15 ghd, 55#
    Lauren 21:18 15ghd, 65#
    Dana 19:50 105# FS
    Alicia 18:56 abm 75#
    Manny 21:47 15 ghd, 65#
    Remer 18:27 155 1st rd then 135
    Alex t 21:56 45#
    Marissa 21:46 75#
    Noel 23:46 105#


    Jilla 21:14 Rx
    Laura 22:27 95
    Nicole M 22:35 15 ghd, 55#
    Shawna 23:09 abm, 55
    Kat 27:29 row, 15 ghd rom, 45# to 20"
    Dave N 22:15 15 ghd, 10 burpees 2 rds, 125
    Adam 19:46 20ghd 115
    Josh P 24:02 15 ghd, 115
    Steph M 19:21, 15ghd, 65
    Mariana 20:31 65


    Danielle 20:48 20 ghd, 85
    Esra 27:20 15 ghd, 70
    Justin 17:34 155# FS
    Michael c 21:17 15 ghd, 75
    Kris 28:44 15 ghd, 75
    Raj 26:43 15 ghd
    Steph C 20:21 15 ghd, 55
    Lindsey 21:48, abm, 60
    Sean 26:00 abm, 135
    Susan 19:30 abm, 55
    Cass 18:25 abm, 55
    Caitlyn 22:24 15 ghd, 65


    Tia 25:36 abm, 85
    Mark C 19:30 20ghd, 95

