
W.O.D. 9.4.17

In teams of 4 or 5: 

Each athlete works for 1 minute (for max reps) at each station for three rounds:
FGB Style: 
AbMat Sit-ups
Box Jumps 20/24"
Air Squat
Wallballs 14/20 to 9/10 ft


10 minutes max distance row, switching every 20 strokes

“Don’t be afraid of failure. This is the way to succeed.”
 - LeBron James

1 comment:

  1. Team Pretty and Smart 1412, 2799
    Team Kids are back in school 1353,2338
    The Defectors 1715, 2683
    Pete D Who? 1485, 2546
    Team Cucumber 1208, 2292
    #team 1224, 2592
    3 Ladies and a Dude 1012, 2328
    The Five Burritos 1012, 2416
    Super Glue 1097, 2409
    Too Tired 1040, 2127
    The Slayers 1367, 2041
    The Bulldogs :) 1500
    The caffeinated crossfitters 1099, 2039
    Book Club 1135, 2294
    Labia Union 1459, 2208
