
W.O.D. 9.21.17

 CrossFit Games Team Series under way!

4 Rounds for time of:
800 Meter Run
10 Bench Press (135/205#)
20 Pull-ups

(time cap 30:00)

"A man who flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a shortcut to meet it."
 —Sador, Children of Húrin


  1. Great intensity the last 3min trying to fit it in under that cap!

    Jeff B 29:26 (165# 1st round, then 185)
    Kate K 29:49@55#
    Sarah Sw. 20:45@45# ( 400m runs)

  2. 9:30/12:15/1:00 Masters
    Jess A 30:24 -75# band/10PU
    Edwin 27:37 (205 10/10/5/5)
    Jackie 43 + 400 M 75# 15 PU
    Brian S 27:25 rx
    Ina 29:59 53/10PU
    Nicole M 29:43 (10 PU/65#) 400 M run in rd 4

    Tim H 26:44 (800 M row, 115#, 10 PU)
    Karen M 30:22 (800 M Row 75#)
    Steph V 30:09 800M Row band 95%
    Mark Spak 30:20 135#
    Joe M 30:15 155#
    Pete D 30:30 155#
    Justin D 27:30 115# 10 PU
    Alex T 28:50 55# floor 10 PU
    Rich A 30:30 Rx
    Matt T 30:30 135#
    Kevin T 30:28 155#

    Masters - Partner WOD
    Amrap in 20
    400 M, 20 bench press, 20 PU
    Terry/Dad 3 rds 400M Run 45/85# band
    Mom/Barb 3 rds (33/63 band)

  3. Danielle 27:07 75#, 10 pull-ups
    Ash 30:30 75# 10 pull-ups
    Cline 30:25 105
    Erik 30:30 155
    Sean 30:30 205
    Gia 30:18 55#, bnd
    Brandon 30:30 185
    Jess M 30:12 55, bnd
    Wendy 30:30 65, rr
    Matt E 30:27 165
    Caitlyn 30:30 55, bnd

  4. Alan 27:04 800 M row 35# Jumping PU
    Remer 24:18 150#
    Ryan S 30:30 115#
    Kate S 30:25 65# 15 band PU
    Adam S 24:18 125#
    Regi 30:27 95#
    Laura S 28:48 65#
    Tim P 26:30 145#
    Gordy 30:20 125#
    Manny 28:53 115# PU

  5. 5:30

    Kat 30:30 row 75 rom
    Dana 23:39 75
    Donna 26:04 55 10pu
    Alona 27:23 85 10pu
    Josh S 30:20 135
    Alicia-Marie 27:14 row 75
    Therese 28:04 400 55 rr
    Marissa 31:25 75 (no cap)
    Shawna 30:24 400 75
