
W.O.D. 8.28.17

3 Rounds for time of: 
25 Power Snatch (55/75#) 
25 Front Squat (55/75#)

“The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion.”
 - Arnold Schwarzenegger


  1. 5:15a
    Theresa L 11:47 Rx
    Kevin B 11:06 Rx
    Ellie 11:55 Rx

  2. 6a
    Angelo 9:30 Rx
    Jason L 12:45 Rx
    Mark Sp 13:37 Rx
    Ben m 17:23 Rx
    Lauren C 14:26 Rx
    Jeff B 12:09 Rx

  3. 7a
    Anna c 18:19 45
    Kat b 21:10 35
    Manisha 14:03 45

  4. 9:30AM
    Jackie 11:40 rx
    Karen S 14:55 35#
    Morgan 13:22 65#
    Edwin 11:44 Rx
    Tori 11:11 35#

  5. 12:15
    Jon pa 11;37 rx
    Jessie s 13:08 45
    Kevin t 13;33 65
    Meredith 13:21 45
    Matt t 15:20 58
    Mary h 12:51 45
    Kevin h 10:34 65
    Pete d 14:20 rx
    Rich a 9:07 rx

  6. 3:30 and 4:30PM
    Holly F 17:03 35# ROM
    John Mc 16:05 rx
    Marissa 13:32 rx
    Erik 16:17 rx

    Manny 14:36 HPC 75
    Jill A 11:25 Rx
    Joe M 14:35 65
    Regi 12:25 rx
    Keith 11:36 rx
    Alex T 14:49 45#
    Karen M 12:56 rx
    Donna 11:14 35#
    Rob C 12:30 Rx
    Du Ross 13:09 20 reps 45#
    Alicia 16:26 rx
    Remer 12:53 rx

  7. 5:30

    Therese 11:27 35#kbs 35
    Shawna 17:53 45
    Stephanie C 13:48 45
    Laura S 11:38 45
    Laura A 9:27 Rx
    Carson 14:07 65
    Jill H 13:07 Rx
    Cassandra 9:48 35
    Adam 10:10 55
    Mark St 10:07

  8. 630

    Kris 19:30 Rx
    Tia 17:43 Rx
    Danielle 9:50 Rx
    Justin 8:44 Rx
    Caitlyn 15:27 Rx!!
    Ash 13:01 rom
    Brandon 15:18 rom
    Nicole 13:45 45#
    Mike Mc 11:40 20# db push press
    Mike C 13:56 65#
    Esra 14:05 45#
    Cline 12:31 65#

