
W.O.D. 8.27.17

40-30-20-10 reps for time of: 
24/30-inch box jumps 
GHD sit-ups 

"People of character do the right thing even if no one else is, not because they think they will change the world, but because they refuse to be changed by the world."
-Michael Josephson

1 comment:

  1. Kat 12:08 (9", 1/2 rep GHD ROM)
    Ashley 14:52 (19", 5 GHD then ABM)
    Kirk 14:43 (20", ABM)
    May 15:24 (17", GHD rom)
    Alan 16:29 (17" step up, abm)
    Anne 11:32 (16", 1/2 rep GHD rom)

    Esra 18:26 (-10 box reps)
    Edwin 13:20 (10 ghd then abm)
    Brian St 16:04 Rx
    Mark C 13:41 (abm)
    Erika R 11:39 (20", abm)
    Alona 13:50 Rx
