
W.O.D. 8.22.17

For time: 
21 Pull-ups 
21 Handstand Push-ups 
18 Pull-ups 
18 Handstand Push-ups 
15 Pull-ups 
15 Handstand Push-ups 
12 Pull-ups 
12 Handstand Push-ups 
9 Pull-ups 
9 Handstand Push-ups 
6 Pull-ups 
6 Handstand Push-ups 
3 Pull-ups 
3 Handstand Push-ups 

(20:00 minute time cap)

Coaches Notes:
Handstand push-ups standard is "head to floor" and pull-ups are "strict" or non-kipping for both movements. 

"You have to learn the rules of the game. and then you have to play better than anyone else."
-Albert Einstein


  1. 6am
    Angelo 20:22 rx
    King 20:20 (2ab/band)
    Jonathan pang 21:05 rx
    Cass 19:24 (band, push up rom)
    Mike San 20:29 (band,push up)
    Mark spak 20:52 (band, 3ab)

    Mooney 14:55 rx
    Aileen 20:08 (band,paralette push up)
    Esra 20:48 (band, box push up)

  2. 9:30am
    Aimee 17:22 Rx
    Brian R 20:28 RR 24" push up
    Mary H 20:12 2abm black band
    Sydney Ha 19:11 3abm blue band
    Sydney Hil 20:42 Stink bug pu 2floss
    Jill Hi 20:31SBPU black floss
    Nicole M 20:18 PU 20", green+red bands
    Cameron Hi 20:18 SBPU blue band
    Moogan 20:55 strict pu red band
    Kevin B 16:12 2abm

  3. 4 rounds: 3 min each
    10 cal assault bike
    20 KB Snatch
    Max Push ups
    Rest 2 min after each round.
    Pam 35# 171 air sq
    Sarina 26# 100 air sq
    Mike Sim air sq/ low plank holds
    Steph 35#, 113 incline PU

  4. 12:15pm
    Kevin To 20:22 Rx
    Mike Sim 19:59 Rx
    Joe M 17:49 push ups
    Pam G 21:19 Rx
    Josh Mc 20:40 Rx
    Tim H 20:14 green band push ups
    Nicole R 17:31 bands, 3abm
    Meredith H 18:15 band 3abm
    Pete D 21:04 lil kip

  5. Masters 1pm
    Barb Z 15:46 green band PU
    Terry 16:21 3ab 2floss
    Sharon 17:56 green band PU

  6. 4:30pm
    Jason 15:09 15 down, 2abm green band
    Samson 10/15 hspu 2abm
    Keith 17:36 Rx
    Josh S 15 down, 15:12 2abm
    Alexis 15:04 15 down, 2 floss 3abm
    Remer 18:11 Rx
    Raj 15:22 15 down, 2 red 3abm
    Dave H 2/15 hspu 2abm

  7. Marissa 20:48 2abm/bnd
    Kris k 21:18 band/24incl
    Justin c 20:26rx
    Mike c 20:15 sb
    Alan k 17;17 rr/30"inc
    Brandon 20:18 sb/bnd
    Katie m 20:17 band/20"incl
    Caitlyn 20:18 24"incl/band
    Tia 20:18 13"incl/band
    Donna g 18:20 24incl/band

  8. Adam 12:00 (rr, pu)
    Neil 20:32 (band, 3 abm)
    Bryan 20:26 (2abm)
    Dave 20:56 (band, 2 abm)
    Heleen 20:35 (band, 2abm)
    Michael Roth 19:53 (band, pu)
    Noel 20:29 (band, pu)

  9. 5:30

    Rich A 20:41 Rx
    Mark St 20:30 Rx
    Chico 20:03 band 1AB
    Kat 20:18 band 15#sp
    Laura S 20:38 band 2ab
    Rob C 20:48 band 2 ab
    Matt E 20:08 band 40# sp
