
W.O.D. 8.10.17

AMRAP in 22 Minutes:
500 Meter Row
20 Toes to Bar
2 Rope Climbs (20ft)

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex, 110 C DeKalb Street. Please meet and park there. 

"Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence."
-Vince Lombardi Jr. 


  1. 6am
    Ellie H 3+500m 15ft
    Bret B 2+12 T2B Rx
    Mark Sp 2+20 T2B Rx
    Laura S 3+1 KR 15ft
    Katie M 3+117m KR 1x15ft
    Jeff B 3+333 meters 15ft

    Mark C 2+1.5 climbs Rx
    Dave B 3, KR 10ft
    Kate K 3 Rx

  2. 8:30am
    Aimee 4 Rx
    Steph V 4, 53#KB rope pulls
    TP 3+250m Rx
    Noel 2+20 T2B Rx
    Jenna 3Rx
    Angelo 3 Rx

    Jill H 3+5 rom T2B 15ft
    Carson H 3+19 rom T2B 15ft
    Cameron H 3+216m rom T2B 15ft
    Mary H 3, rom T2B 15ft
    Brian R 3+11 KR (10) 3 pulls
    Gordy 3+447m Rx
    Kevin B 3+21 Rx
    Moogan 2+6 V ups 15ft
    Meggan L 3+1 KR 4 pulls

  3. 12:15, Masters, 4:30 PM, 5:30 PM
    Meredith 3 + 330 Meters - 4 pulls/KR
    Tim H 2 + 22 - KR 15 ft
    Marisa 2 + 22 15 ft
    Mike Sim 3 + 405 M 15 ft

    AMRAP in 22 Minutes, 500 M row, 15 WB, 15 KBS,
    Terry 4 + 387 meters - 26/10#
    Barb C 3 + 9 26/8#

    Jess A 3 + 56 M KR / pulls
    Rich A 3 + 22 rx
    Miranda 4 (RR plank hold)
    John King 3 + 14 Rx
    Raj 2 + 22 KR 10 ft
    Keith 3 Rds (some RR)
    Kevin T 3 + 5 rx
    Alicia 2 + 22 18 ft

    5:30 PM
    Chico 2 _ 21 RoM ttb 4 pulls
    Giulia 3 Rx
    Jen R 3 (kip, pulls, ttbRom, V-up)
    Nicole R 3+ 297 meters - ttb rom, 4 pulls
    Lucille 3 + 22 pulls ttb rom
    JP 3 (ttb rom)
    Mark S 3 Rx
    Steph C 3 + 5 - 1/2 V-up and TTB
    Alona 3 "practice TTB"

  4. Alan 4 v-ups, 10 rr/rd
    Mike Mc 3+40331m, k2e, 15ft
    Erik 3 knee raises, rope pulls
    Erika 4+15 v-ups, rope pulls
    Tia 2+ 429m rope attempts
    Gia 3+260m, knee raises, rope pulls
    Caitlyn 3+433m, knee raises, rope attempts

    Scott 3+448m, rope attempts
    Mike Roth 3+252m, rope attempts

