
W.O.D. 8.9.17

Please join us on September 29th for our Annual END of SUMMER Party! 
This event will be even more EPIC this year, as we celebrate the start of our 10th year as a CrossFit Affiliate!

Take 20 minutes to build to a Heavy Snatch (power or squat)

for time:
Front Squats (125/185#)- from the floor
Burpees over the Bar

“To give any less than your best is to sacrifice a gift.” 
– Steve Prefontaine


  1. 515am
    Aimee L 136#, 7:07 Rx
    Mike S 95#, 10:23@105
    Theresa 85#, 9:15@85
    Mike Mc 125#, 8:07@125
    Ellie H 85#, 8:00@90
    Matt D 115#, 11:17@165
    Brittany E 75#, 7:17@65

    Ashley C 40#, 9:33@40
    Laura Sm 78#, 7:20@73
    Ben M 135#, 10:08@115
    Mike H 105#, 9:44@135(depth)
    Mark Sp 135#, 9:19@115

    Anna C 68#, 10:40@58
    Dave B 135#, 9:20@125

  2. 9:30 AM

    Kevin B. 125,7:33@135
    Jackie H. 105,9:54@105
    Karen S. 50,8:24@50
    Mary H. 55,9:24@65
    Kevin H. 105,8:04@135
    Cameron H. 75,10:31@75
    Brendan M. 155,12:03@125
    Edwin L. 125,9:00@145


  3. 12:15 EXP

    Matt T. 95,10:01@95
    Tim H. 115,7:32@135,3 rounds
    Jill H. 95# PR!,10:20@90
    Sydney H. 75,4 rounds@70
    Carson H. 85,9:37@85
    Mike Sim 185, 9:30 Rx
    Meredith H. 75,9:48@75
    JP 145,11:09 Rx
    Steph C. 65,9:42@70
    Erika L. 68,8:20@63,Mom scale


  4. Gia 70/ 11:01 (75)
    Keith 225/ 5:04 (6-9-12)
    Lynn 95/ 12 ish (85)
    Sarmad 100/ 10:18 (75)
    Caitlyn 55/ 11:13 (75)

    Dave 180/ 14:16 rx
    Bryan 125 pr!/ 10:59 (125)
    Scott 150/ 12 ish (150)
    Neil 135/ 11:28 rx

  5. 4:30

    Jill A 128 PR! 7:08 Rx
    Mooney 155 7:57 155
    Nicole M 80 8:38 65
    Aileen 95 7:45 95
    Karen 85 8:36 95


    Joe M 115 10:29 105
    Mark St 155 PR! 5:32 DL225
    Noel 140 PR! 10:13 115
    Josh Mc 155 PR! 9:30 165
    Justin C 191 PR! 6:24 Rx
    Michael C 120 PR 9:04 105
    Chris S 125 10:07 165
    Rob P 135 11:01 95
    Alone 85 7:30 85
    Shawna 82 PR 11:45 85
    Giuls 134 11:11 PowerCleans
    Jenna 103 PR 10:43 105
