
Olympic Lifting

The Bridgeport Barbell Club Classic will be going on all weekend (7/29 and 7/30)  in our main gym (regular classes in the Annex). This is an Olympic lifting competition where the athletes get 3 attempts at a 1RM Snatch and 3 attempts at a 1 RM Clean and Jerk. The following athletes will compete this weekend on home soil. 
Dan C
Chris S
Dave N
Noah, Becca and Grace Andrews

While these savages are lifting at home; Rachel, Michal and Aimee will be lifting in Miami on a National level at the 2017 American Open Series II. This will also be the same test; 3 chances for a 1RM Snatch and and 3 chances for a 1 RM Clean and Jerk.
The Top 3 overall in each Weight Category will qualify for the American Open Finals.

If you are in the gym this week and see these athletes please make sure to wish them GOOD LUCK!

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