
W.O.D. 6.8.17

All for time:
100 Double Unders
Hang Power Cleans (75/115#)
Chest to Bar Pull-up
100 Double Unders

“All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me.... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” —Walt Disney


  1. 6am
    Kevin B 16:35 Rx
    Theresa 14:19 rx
    Laura A 11:51 rx
    King 14:24 Rx
    Mark S 12:21 95/pull ups
    Brittany 17:08 50Du/55/band
    Jeff B 13:25 Pull ups
    Sarah 14:00 dua/65
    Ellie 13:20 70/RR

    Dave B 21:17 Pull ups
    Dave L 17:50 SU/75/rr
    Joe C 16:57 Rx
    Marissa 16:58 Pull ups

    Aimee 9:15 Rx
    Gordy 13:06 95/Pull up
    Jeremy 14:13Rx
    Jenna 19:01 pull ups

    Cameron 20:37 50DUA/65/bnd
    Jackie 18:02 50DU/ROM BPU
    Ina 16:12 75Du/45/Bnd
    Mary H 20:08 50DU/65/ROM
    Edwin 14:21 50DU
    David R 17:15 75DU
    Jill H 17:04 1/3 C2B- 2/3 PU
    Lauren C 19:44 PU
    Karen S 22:00 Sc

    - Steph

  2. Masters

    50du/ push ups for pull ups
    Shiela m 18:50 dua/45/sn
    Terry j 18:41 53/sn
    Joyce :) 75su 23 inc
    Anne b 15:34 20ski/53/sn
    Barb c 16:10 35/inc 100su
    Sharon 15:11 53

  3. 630

    Steph C 13:38 65#, pu, 50 dubs
    Rob C 18:00 pu 50 dubs
    Sarmad 19:02 75#, bnd, 25 dua
    Kevin H 16:28 Rx
    Danielle 13:26 pu 50 dubs
    Ash 13:15 pu
    Mike C 15:10 95 21 then 1/2 reps
    Dave N 18:17 95#
    Matt E 19:18 Rx


  4. 4:30 and 5:30 PM
    Keith 17:00 Rx
    Winnie 15:26 70#
    Ryan S 16:08 95#
    Mike M 14:38 85# SU
    Mike R 14:02 Rx
    Mark Stipa 12:14 ROM PU
    Alex T 15:03 65#/PU/50/25 DU
    Therese 18:13 65#/21/15 reps
    Rich A 11:47 Rx
    Regi 14:52 ROM
    Holly S 10:15 Rx
    Donna 14:37 DUA 65# band
    Dave H 14:30 Rx

    Raj 17:37 1/2 PU
    Tia 14:29 1/2 PU 25 DU
    Aileen 15:29 (21 C2B, rest PU)
    Shawna 13:50 65# 25 DU, 10/10.10/5/5 PU
    Chris S 17:29 25 DU PU
    Mooney 14:50 Rx
    Ryan Ax 17:48 95 PU/50 DU
    Maggie 11:40 Rx
    Giulia 11:29 Rx
    Jill A 17:55 Rx
    Josh Mc 11:30 Rx
    Kat 16:51 (25 DUA/35#) 21-15-9 reps
    Alona 16:47 PU
