
W.O.D. 6.27.17

Take 15 Minutes to get to a 1 RM Bench Press

Complete Three 5 Minute AMRAPs of:

15 Power Cleans (105/155#)
20/25 Calorie Row
15 Bench Press (95/135#)

Rest 5:00 between rounds

(Record total reps for your score) 

Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave. 
Mary Tyler Moore


  1. 6am
    Theresa 163(65 bench)/ 105
    Kevin 178 (135 clean/115,105,105 bench)/135
    Brett 195 rx/ 235
    Danielle 169(65bench)/ 105
    Brittany 217 (55bench,65pc)/ 98
    Dave 210 (103bench,115 clean)/153
    Jp 189 rx/ 225
    Jeff b 196 rx/ 265

    Aileen 183(105/65)/ 105
    Noel 179 (115/105)/195
    Raj 177 (105/65)/135

  2. Danielle. 160 reps, not 169, and my 1 rep was only 100#.

  3. 9:30am
    Katie M 90, 171 75/55
    Mary H 100 169 80/65
    Brian R 185PR 165 105/115
    Pam G 150Pr 185Rx
    Mike Si 285 214Rx
    Kevin H 225PR 204 135/135
    Jill H 115PR 179 95/75
    Laura S 102PR 199 MBC/65

    Meredith 105(flr) 180 75/65
    Jessie 95 (flr) 185 75/65
    Pete D 205 170 95/135
    Joe M 195 119 95/135 (2 rounds)
    Josh M 225PR 118Rx (2 rounds)
    Justin D 175 170 95/95
    Karen M 120PR 145 75/95
    Cameron 155 164 95/115
    Carson 170 191 95/115
    Dana D 100 198 65/65
    Jess A 100PR 174 65/65
    Nicole R 80 151 55/45
    Mark Sp 175 217 115/105
    Tim H 185 206 115/95

    Terry 105 3RM BS
    Sharon 160 1RM Bench

    3 Rounds of
    3min AMRAP
    10HPC/10C ROW/ 10 DB PP
    3min Rest in Between Rounds
    Sharon 117 63/15
    Terry 127 35/15

  4. Dudes After Dusk (Summer Edition)

    Dave N 205; 198 (135 pc, 115 bp)
    John McH 155; 163 (125 pc, 115 bp)
    Ryan A 285 PR!; 193 (hang pc)
    Heleen 100 PR!; 189 (60 pc, 55 bp)
    Esra 95 PR!; 170 (60 pc, 55 bp)
    Bryan S 155 PR!; 165 (95 pc/bp)
    Mike Roth 145 PR!; 168 (115 pc, 95 bp)

  5. 430pm

    Keith 215, 217 114/135
    Chris S 165, 182 115/135
    Rich A 245, 207 (get those elbows through on the cleans!)
    Ryan Ax 235, 142 135
    Remer 185, 171 115# bench
    Mike Mitterer 125, 179, 95#
    Dave H 225, 200 RX
    Edwin 265, 209 RX
    Regina 115, 167 75# bench
    Jilla 155, 186 RX
    Shawna 95, 143 85/65
    Manny 135, 165 95#
    Mooney 185, 184 RX
    Mark Stipa 245 PR!, 201 (get those elbows through on the cleans!)

  6. 5:30

    Chico 185 175 115/115
    Olan 195 182 155/115
    Stephanie 90 133 105/65
    Tia 135 154 Rx
    Alicia 107 172 105/65
    Kris 112 133 105/65
