
W.O.D. 6.17.17

Bring a friend to try CrossFit King of Prussia this summer for FREE! 
Join us TODAY at 9am or 10am for our FIRST FREE Summer Saturday!

"Baseline X3" 
For time:
3 Rounds of:
500 Meter Row
40 Air Squats
30 Sit-ups 
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

"Some memories never leave your bones, like the salt in the sea; they become part of you and your carry them."


  1. 9:00

    Ben 24:14 snake 6:31
    Danielle 21:54 snake ROMpu
    Donna 22:22 snake band 6:55
    Kat 25:2625:36 sanke puRom
    Jess A 26:45 snake band
    Lindsey23:46 snake 6:57
    Angelo 15:05 Rx 427
    Mark C 16:10 Rx 4:40


    Joe M 22:49 Rx
    Cline 21:13 Rx
    Steph 21:39 Rx
    Neil 27:22 Rx
    Bret 23:22 Rx
    Caitlyn 23:36 band
    Therese 2round 22:55 snake
    Jess M 23:47 rom?
    Anne 23:58 snake band
    Barb(Anne's friend) :) Thanks for giving us a shot!

  2. Mark Spak 26:30 rx
    Jamie 27:16 weighted squats (25# db)
