
W.O.D. 6.16.17

Bring a friend to try CrossFit King of Prussia this summer for FREE!
Join us tomorrow at 9am or 10am for our FIRST FREE Summer Saturday!

3 rounds for time of: 
20 Calorie Air Bike
20 Front squats (75/115#)
20 Push presses (75/115#)
20 GHD sit ups

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." 
Joseph Addison



  1. 5:15a/6a
    Theresa L 21:43 65#
    Sue K 21:17 35# (15cal)
    Mike San 24:49 65# (20-15-15reps/cals)
    King 20:30 95# (scaled reps)
    Chico 24:43 75# (20-10-10cals)
    Bret B 25:?? 95# (10 reps GHD/abmat)

    Briana K 22:06 Rx
    Lauren C 25:25 65#

  2. Laura a 17:25 rx
    Jon p 18:20 rx
    Dave 25:50 (75,abmat,Schwinn)
    Raj 24:49 rx
    Rob c 25:10 (95,abmat)
    Noel 25:44 (75)

  3. 9:30
    Moogan 26:50 75# abmat
    Meggan 26:22 55# (ski)
    Jill H 24:16 65#
    Jess A 25:52 55#
    Ashley 23:40 35# (run 400m)
    Cameron 25:17 55# (ski)
    Carson 21:25 53# abmat
    Gordy 17:36 75# (row)
    Jeremy 21:35 Rx
    Sarah G 21:49 55# (row)

  4. 12:15
    Mike Sim 18:26 Rx
    Tim H 17:45 2 rds 95# ski, abmat
    Holly S 17:54 Rx
    Pam G 16:34 Rx
    Aimee 16:11 Rx
    Erika A 19:21 53# box sit-up
    Yolanda 27:49 53# abmat
    Justin D 25:48 65# abmat
    Dana 23:01 Rx
    Denise W 22:34 65#
    Panos 16:10 abmat ski
    Karen M 19:33 65# abmat
    Pete 22:42 95# row abmat
    Kevin H 17:47 95#
    Rich A 14:36 abmat airdyne
    Mark 19:05 95# abmat
    Gia 21:00 55# abmat
    Luis 22:30 75# abmat row
    Meredith H 20:38 55#

  5. 530

    Sarmad 27:20 Sc 75#
    Chris S 26:03 Rx
    Matt E 27:11 1/2 ghd

    Ryan Ax 23:05 95#, 1/2 reps rds 2&3
    Neil 27:28 rx
    Tia 27:40 abmat


  6. From Mexico:
    Mark Spak 23:47 105#, 400m run
    Jamie 18:37 400m run

  7. 3:30

    Remer 23:10 Rx
    Stipa 25:21 Rx
    Burdo 25:26 Rx
    Sargen 26:30 16 cal 45/35


    Jenna 24:06 Rx
    Danielle 20:49 Rx
    Alona 25:09 Rx
    Alicia 27:10 Rx
    Ashely 26:20 Rx
