
W.O.D. 5.8.17

2 RM Hang Squat Clean

CLICK HERE to compare to (2.15.17)

Cash out:
Double Unders
(time cap 7:00 minutes)

Community Notes:
Please join us for "PROM" on Friday night (May 12th) at 7:00PM. This is a FREE event for all CrossFit KoP members, bring your friend or significant other or come solo!  We will dance, drink and socialize. Bring something to share (food or drink), dress is "vintage thrift" or whatever you choose and get ready to dance the night away! 

 2016 Prom
2015 Prom

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
-Calvin Coolidge


  1. 5:15a
    Kevin B 185# PR!! 6:14 Rx
    Ellie 115# 7:25 Rx
    Mike San 125# 7:25 (cap) Rx
    Kevin C 235# PR! 7:00 (DNF, cap, single unders)

  2. 6am
    sarah s 101/260reps (2x su)
    manisha 95 6:36Rx
    Mark s 145 141reps (1/2 du)
    king 165 6:53rx
    ben m 145 150reps (1/2 du)

    kat 65 255reps (2x SU/10 DUA each round)
    anna 83 290reps (2x SU/10DUA each round)
    Raj 155, 8:07RX Cap

  3. 9:30 AM
    Ashley M 145 (239 reps)
    Jill H 125 PR (218 reps)
    Mary H 95 PR (130 reps)
    Jackie 147 PR (100 reps)
    Tori 63 (188 reps SU)

  4. 12:15
    Clay 255 time cap RX
    Kevin t 165 280reps Rx
    Richa a 265 4:43 pr
    Justin d 145 93reps 1/2 du (first strung du!)
    Nicole n 85 form 210 reps Rx
    Panos 205 196reps Rx :)
    Meredith 100 120reps 10du each round
    Miranda 125 160reps 1/2 kr for sit-up
    Tim h 175
    Mike si 215 6:40rx
    Joe 205 273reps Rx
    Pam --- 6:43rx

  5. Fayth 95, 210 (su)
    Steph C 100, 180 Rx
    Anne Bo 75, 240 (su)
    Jenna 138 pr!, 236 Rx
    Neil 205, 189 (su)
    Donna 100 pr!, 217 (du att)
    Danielle 125, :)
    Heleen 105, 9:37 cap (du att)
    Conn 155, 9:30 cap Rx
    Bryan 135, 180 (su)
    Dave 220, 7:57 cap Rx
    Chris 185 pr!, 8:37 (su)
    Matt B 195 pr!, 8:43 cap Rx
    Tia 156 pr!, 210 (su)

  6. We had some solid PRRRRRR's in the 3:30 and 4:30 tonight!

    Keith 265 240 reps
    Andrew 265 (285x1) 6:43
    Alex 65 240 SU
    Holly 45 211 SU
    Erik F 175 130 1/2 DU
    Keara 95 PR (105x1) 6:56 rx pr
    Angelo 195 7:30 Rx (no cap)

    Jill A 163 pr
    Anne B 70
    Manny 115 PR
    Edwin 185 pr
    Holly S 163 pr
    Aileen 145 pr
    Mooney 205
    Ryan Ax 205
    Marisa 130 pr
    Bryant (CO drop in) 235
    Remer 215 PR
    Therese100 PR
    Julie 125 (39 weeks preggo...5 days to go!)
    Alex T 85

    Jill a 7:21
    Anne B 139
    Manny 210
    Edwin 237 rx
    Holly 6:29 Rx
    Aileen 6:21 Rx pr
    Mooney 266 SU
    Ryan Ax 130 rx
    Marisa 260 rx
    Bryant 6:06 rx
    Remember 7:34 rx
    Therese 103 dua/dubs
    Julie R 6:29SU/Plank
    Alex T 85

  7. 5:30

    Shawna 110 PR! :)
    Maggie 175 PR! 5:43 Rx
    Laura 140 PR! 5:56
    Chico 145 218 SU
    Justin C 235 5:45
    Josh P 195 PR! 275
    Stephanie Mc 110 PR! 277
    Mariana 110 PR! 210 SU-ish
    Joe 205 270 SU
    Rob C 235 180
    Mark St 185 PR! :)
