
W.O.D. 4.18.17

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 
15 Bench press 95/135#
10 L-Pull-ups

Coaches notes:
(Floor Press can be a modification for Bench Press)

“Mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see a better world.”
 ― Amit Ray


  1. Becca 4+8 (65,band)
    Manisha 4+9 (50,band)
    Ellie 4+18 (65,band)
    Mark spak 4+8 (95,band)

  2. 9:30am
    Edwin 4+20rx
    King 5+23 115 PA
    Jill h 5+13 65 PA
    Ryan A 4+19 95 PA
    Mary h 6 55 PA
    Sarah W 4+13 45 PA
    Moog 4+20 75 PA

    PA= partner assisted strict pull up

  3. 12:15
    Miranda 5rounds (75# band)
    Mike S 5+22 RX
    Tim H 3+15 (95# band)
    Meredith 5+ 10 (55# band)
    Pam G 3+18 RX
    Denise 5+10 (75# band)
    Rob C 3+3 (strict ROM)
    Rich A 5 RX
    Jessie 5+15 ( 55# band)

  4. Steph c 4+15 55/pa
    Alan 8+14 25db incline/rr
    Brian s 5+17 135 l attempts/135
    Alona 4 75/pa
    Donna 5 50/pa
    Nicole m 4+ 10 55/pa
    Natalie 4+11 53/pa
    Jen s 9 FS35/burpee

  5. 4:30
    Alex 3+15 55/bnd
    Jess a 4+15 55/bnd
    Noel 3+6 115
    Holly 4+16 Rx
    Katie 5+13 65/bnd
    Mike m 3+22 95
    Remer 3+19 115
    Joe m 3+13 95
    Ryan a 4+21 bnd
    Erik 5+27 95/bnd
    Duross 4+4 75/bnd

  6. 7:30
    Andrew 6+24 RX
    Dave 3+18 (115#, strict)
    Cline 3+14 (105#, ROM)
    Heleen 3+19 (65#, band)
    Neil 3+18 (115#, strict att)

  7. masters 1:00PM
    5 Rounds for time of:
    200 M Run, 12 DB PP, 12 DB FS
    Ina 11:11
    Anne B 11:42
    Barb 11:56
    Terry 11:58

  8. 5:30

    Chico 5 95 band
    Mark St 5+14 strict
    Laura A 4+18 85 strict
    Aileen 5+8 65 band
    Ashley Mc 4+13 65 band
    Joe L 6 135 bandROM 5BP/rnd
    Lindsey 5+2 65 band
    Josh S 3+16 strict
    Tia 3+6 85 band
    Mariana 4+14 85 band
    Alexis 5+14 55floor band
    Arya 5 35floor band
    Michael C 4+7 95
    Justin C 4+4 Rx
    Josh P 4+18 95 band
