
W.O.D. 3.22.17

2 Rounds of:
50 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)
3 Rope Climbs (15ft)

Rest 3 Minutes

2 Rounds of:
40 AB-Mat Sit-ups
20 Pistols (alternating R/L)

Coaches Notes:
Athletes can start at either couplet.

Community Notes: 
This FRIDAY is the fifth week of the CrossFit Games OPEN (17.5), we will run heats (upon arrival) from 3:30PM until 7:30PM (and the workout will run in all other classes throughout the day, as well). Friends and spectators are welcome. Drop-ins are only $10 for FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!

“It is easier to act yourself into a new way of feeling rather than feel your way into a new way of acting.” 
– G. D. Morgan


  1. 515/6/7am

    Theresa 13:54 Rx
    Kevin B 16:32 Rx
    King 15:44 (13"box)
    Manisha 18:21 (band)
    Mike S 19:25 (13"box)

    Dana D 16:38 Rx
    Briana 22:54 Rx
    Mark S 19:14 (44# Russian)
    Donna G 18:37 (26#kb, Rope 8ft)
    Danielle G 21:04 (box)
    Mike Sim 15:09 (16" box)

    Matt G 20:55 (box, rope pulls) Drop In from Chicago
    Matt M 13:27 Rx Drop in from Chicago
    Anna 18:08 (13" box + plate, 26#kb, rope pulls)
    Kate K 22:05 (pistol rom 1 inch)

  2. 9:30 am

    Nicole N. 25:57 Rx
    Mary H. 24:00, 3 rc attempts + 1st rc ever!!
    Jill H. 22:57, pistol w/band
    Jackie H. 20:59, 3 rc pulls
    Ina S. 22:33,26#,5 rc attempts,pistol to box
    Karen S. 24:00,26#,1-1/2 rc/round,pistol to med ball


  3. 12:15 exp

    Tim H. 17:00,box,rope pulls,Russian
    Miranda H. 17:50,band,PU+ring pull
    Nicole R. 20:18,band,5 rope attempts
    John McH. 23:03,Rx
    Sarah W. 18:48,band,rc attempts
    Karen M. 18:01,4 pulls
    Jessie S. 19:04,band
    Rich A. 12:53 Rx
    Pam G. 15:09


  4. Alexis 18:41 (26,2 climbs,rom)
    18:40 (2 climbs,rom)
    Keith 14:36 rx
    Rachel 16:05 (26kb snatch, raise heel)
    Josh Mc 16:04 (box step ups, 1/2 ghd)
    Mike c 18:35 (17")
    Heleen 18:24 (rca)
    Amm 17:02 (26,10 pistols)
    Alona 16:56 (rom)
    Brian r 20:30 (pulls, 20",35)
    Kevin h 17:10 (17")
    Tj 19:10 (17")

    Neil 16:45 (20",pulls)
    Marissa 17:51(13")
    Julie 17:13(kr,air squats,pulls)
    Beth 16:51(pulls, two plate descend, 26)
    Therese 18:13 (pulls,16"+25plate)
    Dave 16:05 Rx
    Rob c 19:17 (17")
    Erika 16:29(16,20",pulls)
    Dieter 18:45(to bench, 44) welcome!!
    Kevin t 19:28(mb)
    Steph c 17:05(26,13")

  5. 4:30

    Giuls 17:43 Rx+GHD
    Maggie 13:45 Rx
    Ryan S 15:36 Rx
    Mike Rem 15:56 Strict PU
    Ben M 24:07 RP ball
    Jess 22:58 18# RP/box
    Dave H 16:30 Rx
    Justin 22:47 RP/box


    Laura A 12:44 Rx reverse
    Noel 25:06 44# reverse
    Josh P 19:01 45 17"
    Mark St 13:21 Rx
    Matt E 20:13 17" reverse
    Shawna 18:77 RCA/romPist
    Tia 16:13 17' reverse
    Steph Mc 17:20 Rx
    Raj 21:20 1/2 rope
    Mooney 16:22 Rx Reverse
    Aileen 20:20 pistolROM reverse
    Erik 21:03 20"
    Mariana 17:47 RXish pistROM
