
W.O.D. 2.21.17

AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
3 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Power Snatch (75/115#)
rest 2:00 minutes
AMRAP in 6 Minutes:
5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10 Clean and Jerks (75/115#)
rest 2:00 minutes
AMRAP in 4 Minutes:
7 Pull-ups
10 Thrusters (75/115#)

*score is total reps

Community Notes:
This FRIDAY is the first week of the CrossFit Games OPEN, we will run heats from 3:30PM until 7:30PM (and the workout will run in all other classes throughout the day, as well). Friends and spectators are welcome. Drop-ins are only $10 for FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”
 ― Corrieten Boom


  1. 9:30a
    Aimee 186 Rx
    Jill h 109 65# transitions/dips, C2B floss
    Mary H 134 45# dips/strict PU floss, C2B floss, PU floss
    Bekah M 107 dips/PU
    Pam 145 band MU

  2. Masters wod.
    Amrap in 4
    5 pull-ups
    5 power snatch
    Rest 1 min
    5 pull ups
    5 Thrusters
    Masters 1pm
    Terry 85 40#
    Teresa 83 35# green band
    Ina 90 45# blue band

  3. 12:15pm
    Denise 131 55# pu
    Tim H 120 75# pu green
    Miranda 83/65 C2A(3) C2B(3) PU(5)
    Mike Sim 176 Rx
    Kristen M 132 53# pu green
    Justin D 106 65# c2b pu rom
    Erika L 136 pu/53#

  4. Gordy.
    5 minute rounds
    Bar MU 75#
    reps 151

  5. Andrew 169 Rx
    Keara 137 Sc
    Marissa 120 (trans+dips, C2B att)
    Neil 112 jmu
    Dave 121 jmu
    Laura 140 jmu
    Esra 138 (55#, band pus)
    Kevin T 156 (75#, bar mus)

  6. 530

    Maggie 149 Rx
    Regi 136 jmu
    Samson 124 85#
    Jen s 88 rd/rr 55#
    Alona 141 JMU, C2BA 65#
    Dave h 141 BMU
    Mchugh 131 pu/rr/rr 85#
    Olan 130 BMU 95#
    Mike m 89 JMU, PU 75#
    Julie Foucher 126 rr/rd, rr, rr 65# hang
    Tori 108 rd/pu, pu, pu 55#
    Jilla 125 rx


    Matt E 114 rr/rd
    Noel 139 Jmu 75#
    Matt B 109 trans + dip
    Erik 104 JMU 95#
    Donna 156 rr/rd, bnd, bnd 45#
    Danielle 140 rr/rd, rr, rr 65#


  7. Dana 137 (65/bar mu)
    King 147 (95/jmu)
    Kevin b 138 (95/ band bar mu)
    Devon 123 (65/dips, band pull ups)
    Ellie 128 (65, Sc mu, pulls)
    Theresa 150 (65/ band bar mu)
    Becca 125 (55/ ring dips, trans, rom)

    Paul d 99 (95/ trans/ band)
    Joe c 107 (95,mua)

  8. 5:30

    Giuls 133 Rx
    Raj 136 pu
    Tia 122 65 pu/rom
    Kat 126 35/band
    Aileen 144 pu/rom
    Alex T 175 45 pu/rom
    Lindsey 126 55 pu
    Josh Mc 122 mua/trhusterROM
    Shawna 106 55 pu/dip C2BA
