
W.O.D. 2.1.17

for time:
50 Calorie Row
50 Wallballs
25 Deadlifts (155/225#)
25 Handstand Push-ups
25 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

***Every Minute on the Minute perform 2 Power Cleans at 105/155

Community Notes:
Don't forget to sign up for the CrossFit Games OPEN!
CLICK HERE to sign up today!

All weekend classes will be held in the Annex, CrossFit KoP is hosting MAXlift on Saturday and the OLD FOLKS Open on Sunday.

“As such, there is no one-size-fits-all approach that anyone can offer you. The hot water that softens a carrot will harden an egg.” 
 ― Clayton M. Christensen


  1. 9:30 AM

    Mary H. 22:58,105,65,2 ab,pull-ups
    Kevin H. 18:32,225,115,3 abmat S
    Danny Y. 19:45,225/135,65,ww,pull-ups
    Barb Z. 13:55,(30,30,20,20,20),75,55,push-ups,band pull-ups
    Karen S. 22:32,83,45,abmat,band
    Jackie H. 18:52,135,85,push-up,pull-up
    Jill H. 21:58,155,85,2abmats,pull-ups
    Cate K. 18:36 Rx
    Panos B. 19:54,185,155,2abmats


  2. 12:15 EXP

    Pam G. 16:52 Rx
    Mike S. 16:58 Rx
    Miranda H. 20:59,Scaled
    Meredith H. 18:52,100,55,3 abm,band
    Rob C. 22:10,225,155,ROM
    Justin D. 25:25,155,95,box,16#ball to 9'
    Nicole R. 21:03,58,35,DB press,band
    Karen M. 20:47,135,65,kickups,band


  3. 515/6/7am/Strength

    Ryan A 21:50 (135#, Front Squat, HPC, 3abmats)
    Mike S 23:52 (14#wb, 145dl, 95clean, boxhspu)
    Manisha 23:29 (12#wb, 135dl, 2abmat HSPU, floss C2B, 70#clean)
    Theresa 20:00 (dl 135#)

    Kevin B 18:59 (185/135, 44 reps of deadlift opps!)
    Dana D 21:42 Rx
    King 19:37 (135/185)
    Justin R 20:42 (185/135, 3abmats)
    Mark S 21:50 (105/185)
    Joe M 19:49 (75/135)
    Ellie H 19:33 (95/135, box, floss pu)
    Katie M 20:57 (55/105, box, band)
    Ben M 26:39 (scaled)

    Alex L 21:54 (14#/95/155)
    Kate K 23:53 (85/135)
    Lauren H 26:57 (3abmats/band)
    Ashley M 25:46 (3 abmats/band)
    Anna 18:23 scaled

    L.P. 14:54 Rx

  4. Keith 15:45 rx
    Brian R/Steph C 14:46 (75/20/rr/125,75/pu/205)
    Borden/ Erik 16:56 (95,30,rom)

    Dave DNF
    Kevin DNF
    Christine 23:31 (rr,30 lsit)
    Julie 32:36 (band,25)
    Noel 27:? (105,155,pu,2ab)

  5. 4:30

    Giuls/Jill A 15:46 Rx 50 Reps of all movements
    Marissa 21:03 145/95 band
    Donna 18:28 10wb/105dl/65c/15dbp/band
    Maggie 17:59 Rx
    Alex 21:03 10/105/15sdp/rom
    Olan 24:38 135(clean)
    Anne B 17:50 8wb/75dl/15sdp/RR
    Mike R 18:33 225/135
    Dave H 18:59 Rx
    Laura A 22:35 Rx


    Mooney 18:58 Rx
    Aileen 17:48 sc
    Mark s/Matt b 11:55 20wb/225/pushups/rom
    Alexis/Matt E 17:04
    Steph m/Mariana 16:33 85/105/pu
    Josh Mc/Alicia-Marie 18:50 AMM2ab
    Steph C 17:50
    Michael C/Josh S 16:53 115/155
    Alona 19:49 85/25 PuRom
    Jen S 20:33 65# 2 ab/rom
