
Athlete of the Month

(and Happy Birthday)

Hometown: Allentown, PA

Current Location: Phoenixville, PA

Age: 33, as of today

Occupation: Senior Business Analyst (I don’t know what that means either)

College: Penn State

How long have you been a CrossFitter? 1 year, 3 months

Did you ever play sports? I played Volleyball in high school and some rec league softball now. (I was going to quip “tonsil hockey in college”, but I thought that would be in poor taste)

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? I dig gardening. I enjoy cooking, going to the movies and fixing things around the house.

What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit in the 2016 year? A couple of months ago Rachel came over to feel my arm because it was bigger.

What do you feel that you still need to work on?
My nutrition Goals for the rest of this year? Even if it’s fleeting, I’d like to get on the board for something.

What's your favorite WOD? 1 RM of anything.

How about your favorite food/snacks?
Bacon, Egg Nog, Chicken Tikka Masala from Desi Village, Fried Chicken from a gas station called Martin’s Trailside, Home Fries, Guacamole, Bacon, Chocolate & PB shake from Shake Shack, Drunken Noodles, Mushroom Bisque from Cedar Hollow Inn, Hummus, St. Andre’s Brie, Reese’s Sundae from Bruester’s, Brisket from Stampede Smokin’ BBQ, Wings, Chocolate, Bacon, Nachos, Pizza, Mushroom tart from Parc, Waffles, Chili Cheese Dog, Sushi, S’mores, Mac & Cheese, Oysters, Bacon, etc. … a.k.a. I will never have a six pack.

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? Pure Barre…like that was going to change anything.

What’s your least favorite WOD? Chelsea.

Can’t keep up. Favorite lift/movement? Snatches, Front Squats, Box Jumps and Burpees

What’s your least favorite lift/movement? Sumo Deadlift High Pull. Come on. I also hate walk outs into a push-up and medicine ball cleans.

What skill are you planning on working on as the new year 2017 is here? First on the list is double unders.

What’s your favorite piece of workout "gear"? Hands down my Nike Romaleos 2.

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? I’ve gotten comfortable being uncomfortable.

Who is your favorite coach? Every coach at KOP has been great and I wish I was able to attend more classes with Gordy, Jason and Manisha (2017 goal). Keith’s classes have the perfect mix of fun/serious and I usually learn something new every time. For a particularly grueling workout, nothing makes me push a little harder or eek out another rep like the sound of Giulia’s yell. When I’m having a bad day, a class with Aimee is great because she’s always in a good mood (and I enjoy the anecdotes about her day) or Jill because she’s always smiling (even as she’s cleaning up after other people). Jenna’s classes have the best vibe and tunes. The artist among us, Tim – his endurance classes taught me to enjoy running (for short periods). My favorite day of the week is Open Strength on Sundays with Rachel especially when it goes late. Steph is always encouraging, and I have to thank her for watching my Oly lifts and telling me “I could be really good at them” anyway. I have to include a BBC shout-out here to Jim for turning my eye rolls into PRs. Everyone should lift more.

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights? 215lb BACK squat and I can do pistols now.

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