
W.O.D. 1.14.17

CrossFit Kids--MONSTER DAY! 

7 Rounds for time of:
10 Handstand Push-ups
2 Rope Climbs 15ft

Cash out:
500 Meter Row

“People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do.”
- Rob Siltanen

1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    Aimee 9:26 Rx 1:56.0
    Mark Sp 17:19 SDB 40 1:38.2
    Jenna 19:39 1climb/roundX6 2:06.5


    Mike R 15:12 Rx 1:50
    Michale C 17:37 3ab 1:57
    Tj 17:12 1ab 2:18 Rx
    Mike Ro 17:59 SDPx30x5rounds 1:37.7
    Dave N 20:59 2ab 1:40.6
    Noel 18:22 2ab 1:57
    Kate K 24:30 2ab 2:15
    Joe M 12:10 box 20"/attempts 1:53
    Sarah W 19:09 2ab/attempts :)
