
W.O.D. 12.9.16

Thin Lizzy
Every Minute on the Minute for 30 Minutes:
3 Power Cleans (95/135#)
3 Front Squats (95/135#)
3 Shoulder to Overhead (95/135#)

(Score is total number of completed rounds. Best possible is 30 rounds...)

Advent Day 9:
Max Air Bike Calories in 1:00 Minute

“The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.”
– Robert H Schuller


  1. 9:30a
    Gordy 16 @ 115#
    Jackie H 27 @ 85#
    Keith H 10 @ 85#/20 @ 65#
    Nicole M 25 @ 55#
    Esra 20 @ 55#
    Michael R 12 @ 115#/5 @ 95#
    Mary H 30 @ 60#
    Jill H 11 @ 85#
    Avi 23 @ 115#
    David R 21 @ 135#
    Luis M 8 @ 135#
    Meggan 30 @ 55#
    DD 10 @ 85#

  2. 12:15
    Aimee 30 rx
    Rich A 30 Rx
    Mike Sim 30 Rx
    Jenna 30 @ 75#
    Denise 30 @65#
    Pam 18 rx
    Olan 14 @ 115#
    Tim H 11 @ 115#
    Panos :)
    Dave 22 @125#

  3. 6/7am

    Mike S 30 @ 65#
    King 30@105#
    Ben M 16@95#
    Mark S 30@75#
    Kevin B 30@105#
    Jeff B 30@105#
    Manisha 30@58#

    Katie P 30@65#
    Kate K 30@65#
    Nicole N 30@55/50#
    Alex L 7@135/23@105#

  4. 3:30
    Neil 30@15
    Vince 16@105
    Jessie S. 30@65
    Brian R. 30@75
    Ina 30@50
    Ryan A. 20RX + 5 Hang

    Regi 19@85/ 5@65
    Oscar 21@115
    Alejandra 30@55
    Keithie :)
    Alona 30@75
    Jen S. 30@65/ 20# DB
    JP 18RX

    Christine 30@65
    Borden 24@105
    Matt E. 30@115
    Shawna 16@70 +5
    Danielle G. 30@75
    Noel 30@75
    Cline 25@120
    Rob P.16@95
    Laura A. 30RX

    Alan 8@45 + 12
    Anvesh 8@55 + 9
    Nate W. 12@80 + 12

    Great intensity tonight! Loved the proper scaling to get more rounds!
