
W.O.D. 11.3.16

Take 20 Minutes to find your 1 RM Clean
rest 5 Minutes, then 
3 Rounds for time:
64 Double Unders
8 Squat Cleans (95/135#)

Community Notes:
All WEEKEND classes will be held in the Annex, 110C DeKalb, meet and park there.

Don't forget about our last session in the 3 Part Yoga Workshop with Tori, upstairs in the Annex at 11:00AM on Saturday, 11/5---SHOULDER OPENING! $30 for this special 90 Minute session. 

“The key is not the will to win. Everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.” – Bobby Knight


  1. 6/7am
    Laura Alt. 150 PR!, 7:28 Rx
    King 185, 8:31 (115)
    Kevin B 175 PR! 8:15(115)(30du)

  2. I have at least 5 others interested but if anyone else is looking to get a run in today, I will be leading a trail run tonight meeting at 5:30pm at the lower level main parking lot in Valley Forge Park. We can park there and then will jog very easy over the new Betzwood bridge into the back River Trails.

    1. Alona and I are in and just saw John he said he is in

  3. 830 am

    Steph 165, 5:35 8 cal bike/83# pc
    Jenna 143, 12:11 Rx
    Gordy 187, 6:35 95#
    David R 200, 9:20 20DU
    Rich A 265, 5:17 Rx
    Cate 168, 5:55 Rx
    Aimee 198, 7:10 Rx

    930 am

    Erika 103, 9:36 75# 34 DU
    Laura P. 125, 9:30 Rx
    Jill H 120 PR, 9:09 85# 34DU
    Denise 130, 9:40 pc
    Andrew 245, 6:29 Rx
    Rob C 225, 7:30 34 DU
    Mary 85, 9:46 65# 34 DU
    Rakia 70 7:55 55# pc

  4. 12:15, 1:00PM Masters, 4:30 and 5:30.....
    John Mc 185, 18:08 34 DU
    Tim H 165, 9:52 2 Rds, 135# 20 du
    Keara 73, 8:30 53# 34,44,45 DU's
    Nicole R 78 PR! 7:57 53#
    Meggan Le 118 PR 9:30 75# 1:00 min DUA
    JILL A 163, 8:31 RX (1:00MIN extra rest)
    Meredith H 105 PR 9:14 65#
    Mike Sim 205 9:11 Rx
    Nicole M 95 PR 8:17 1:00 DUA 65#
    Joe M 105 PR :)
    Seba 88 PR 10:14 65# 1:00 DUA
    Karen M 115 PR 10:02 95# 1:00 DUA
    Dave N 230 PR 9:53 rx
    Jessie 120 PR 13:50 95#

    AMRAP in 6 Minutes
    5 DU or 20 SU
    3 Squat Cleans

    Jodilee 95# 3 + 2 DU 55#
    Terry 85# 6 53#
    Teresa 70# 5 + 21 33# su
    Anne B 73# 53#

    Therese 115PR!! 7:27 55# 1 min DUA
    Jess A 95 :) 7:18 55# ******* First ever Double Unders!!!
    Tim P 215 (225 after the 20 Minutes)

    Mariana 110# PR!!! 8:01 DUA
    Matt Bo 235 PR!!! 10:52 Rx
    Torrina 50 8:20 DUA 35# ******* First ever Double Unders!!!
    Jen R 50 8:50 34 DU, 35#
    Pam V 45, 8:07 23# DUA ******* First ever Double Unders!!!
    Keith B 308, 5:59 Rx
    Shawna 110, 11:00 85# 250 M
    Maggie 185 PR! 5:29 Rx
    Josh P 205 7:25 95#
    Twinnie 105, 7:18 63# 34 DU
    Kevin H 195 PR! 6:38 115# 34# DU
    Rachel S 207! 213.4 after the 20 minutes!!! PR city!!! 7:33 Rx
    Ale 110 PR! 9:00 65# 24 DU
    Alex 90 PR! 6:21 45# 1 min DUA

  5. Kris 125 11:36 (1/2 DU, 85#)
    Danielle 115 9:09 (1/2 DU)
    Matt E 235 9:04 (singles)
    TJ 130 8:09 (75#, 1/2 DU)
    Neil 205 PR! 9:45 (1/2 DU)
    Lindsey 105 8:45 (75#, 1/2 DU)
    Tia 155 8:24 (singles)
    Erik 155 10:34 (115# 1/2 DU)
    Alan 65 10:15 (45#, singles)
    Michael C 135 7:38 (75#, 1/2 DU)
    Josh 187 12:34 RX
    AMM 125 PR! 8:27 (73#)
    Phani 145# PR! 10:11 (singles)
    Ravi 65# form
    Noel 155 PR! 10:50 (singles, 105# ROM)
