
W.O.D. 9.6.16


 Squat Cleans (95/135#) 
Ring Dips


 Rest 2:00 minutes then... 

take 10 minutes following the workout to build to a Heavy 2 RM Hang Squat Clean

Community Notes:
Yoga will take place at 5:30 PM tonight and every Tuesday at 5:30 PM going forward!

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” 
 ― Thich Nhat Hanh


  1. Jason 11:07(115,band)

    Julie f 12:25 (65)/115 pr!
    Manisha 11:20(50)/85 pr!
    Angelo 12:50(45)/165 pr!
    Kevin 11:05 (115,band,rom)/ 165 pr!
    Sarah w 10:30 (65 pwr, band)/ 75 pwr

    Kate k 14:53 (65,band)
    Jim 11:31 (hang pwr,45,paralette)/ 65 pwr
    Joe c 16:23 (115)/175

  2. Express
    Aimee 8:12, 163#
    Steph V 4:49 63 power, bench dip
    Joe M 14:35 75# form
    Tim H 14:21 115 (15/9/6) band dip PR 155
    Meredith 13:36 53 Green band 75#
    Pam G 14:30 PR Rx 130# PR
    Mike Sim 9:24 135# 30" box dips 205#
    Jonathan P 9:21 Rx 225#

  3. Masters
    5 Squat Cleans, 200 Meter Sprint Run
    5 Rounds (complete rest between rounds
    Terry (65#), 1:57, 1:43, 1:49, 1:54, 1:53
    Sharon (85#) 2:04, 2:15, 3:23, 2:09(row), 2:13 (row)
    Jodilee (85#) 2:07, 2:02, 2:10,2:14, 2:10

  4. 9:30am
    Rich A 6:39 PR (1st on board!), 235PR
    Barb Z 12:51 Bnd/25, 45
    Jackie 12:45 85/bnd, 135
    Bekah 11:25 85/bnd, 125
    Rakia 12:03 45/DBSP#12, 65
    Jill Hi 14:44 70/bnd, 100PR
    Mary H 13:10 60/Pdip, 80
    Karen S 14:43 53/Bnd, 73
    Meggan 13:14 75/bnd, 105

  5. Dudes After Dark

    Miss Jackson 11:18 (65, band) PR!; 85#
    Rob C 12:00 RX PR!; 195#
    Chris D 9:47 (115) PR!); 175#
    Cline 11:53 (115, floss); 165#
    Dave 19:31 (band); 165#
    Steph C 8:48 (65, band) PR!; 95# PR!
    Ryan A 12:52 (band); 255#
    Neil 12:29 (115, band) PR!; 135#

  6. 4:30

    Alejandra 10:44 65/band 95PR
    Maggie 10:37 Rx 145
    Kevin 12:25 115 155
    Rita 16:20 63 paralette
    Erik 13:46 95 155
    John Mc 10:16 105 155
    Katie 12:27 45/paralette 65
    Ina 11:21 35/band 70
    Jess A 12:04 45ROM/paralette 65
    Justin H 15:05 115/band 185


    Giuls 13:18 Rx PR!/ 140 PR!
    Laura 13:51 85/band 135
    Michael C 12:49 75/band 120PR!
    Shawna 15:58 75/band 95
    Sean 16:15 95 135
    Nooshi 15:52 35/band 35
    Flounder 12:31 sc 125
    Josh P 13:25 95/band 165PR

  7. 6:30pm
    TJ 13:04 65/bnd/95
    Danielle 12:07 85/bnd, 110PR
    Nate 12:39 85/135
    Ravi 9:55 Pdip & 45/65
    Phani 8:50 45# & Pdipbox/95
    Ranjith 9:31 45 &Pdipbox/65
