
W.O.D. 9.3.16

AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
8 Bar Facing Burpees Over the Bar
16 Hang Power Cleans 95/135#
32 Double Unders

Labor Day Weekend Notes: 
Join us on... Saturday for Preschool Kids CrossFit at 10:00AM
Saturday for a Special Yoga class at 11:00 AM
Sunday for OPEN Gym at 11:00AM
Monday for a FREE Friends and Family workout at 10:00AM

"We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain."
-Alan Watts

1 comment:

  1. 10:00
    Brian T. 3+18 115# SU
    Sean S. 2+16 115# SU
    Therese W. 3+8 55# SU
    Mike Roth 3_52 95# SU
    Mike C. 2+22 95#
    Ashley M. 4+1 RX
    Lauren H. 2_44 85#
    Katie M. 2_3 45# DUA w/ SU
    Phani 3 45# SUA (first time jumping rope!)
    Laura A. 4+16 RX
    Meredith H. 3+9 63# SU
    Joe M. 3+10 95# SU
    Cline 3+14 115#
    Matt E. 3+8 RX

    Nice work this morning everyone!
