
W.O.D. 9.28.16

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
100 Double Unders
100 ft Walking Lunge

Scaling options:
Modify the total number of Double Unders if you have an intermediary capacity to perform them. If you are still attempting to get Double Unders take 1:00 each round to work on Double Under attempts. 

Community Notes: 
Join us for the "Beat the Streets" WOD in all classes Friday and our special edition at 5:30PM on Friday night. Suggested donation $25. 

 Don't forget about our special Yoga series with Tori which continues on Saturday morning at 11:00AM with Tori in the Annex Upstairs Yoga room. 

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race” ~ Calvin Coolidge


  1. 5:15am
    Theresa L: 5+60 Sc
    John K: 4+4 Rx
    Mike San: 5+30 Sc
    Manisha S: 5+60 Rx

    Kevin B: 6+200m Run+20 GHD
    Angelo: 5+32 Rx

    Phani: 4 Sc
    Paul D: 4+34 Sc
    Kate K: 5+43 Rx
    Lauren H: 5+10 Sc
    Joe C: 5+28 Rx

  2. 9:30 AM

    Dana D. 4 (50 du)+3 (10 burpee box overs) +15
    Jackie H. 5 (2 mins. DU attempts)
    Jill H. 3+36(50 DU sets)
    Karen S. 6 (1 min. DU attempts)
    Mary H. 6 (1 min. DU attempts)


  3. 12:15 Express

    Karen M. 6+50ft. (1 min. Attempts)
    Tim H. 6+50ft. (2 min. Attempts)
    Joe M. 6+50ft. (1 min. Attempts)
    Jessie 6+13 (2 min. Attempts)
    Seba 6 (1 min. Attempts)


  4. 530

    Shawna 7+50 ft 1 min dua
    Ashley 5+52 Rx
    Jen 8+15 sec 1 min dua
    Alona 8 50 dubs/round
    Laura 7+83 Rx
    Alex T 7+15 sec 1 min dua
    Steph 8+20 sec 1 min dua
    Mariana 8+10 sec 1 min dua
    Brian 6 1 min dua
    Nicole 6 1 min dua
    Jill A 5+37 Rx
    Marge 7+100 Rx


  5. Ron 4+25 ft
    Cline 4+43 rx
    Therese 5+50ft sc
    Mike c 4+37 (50du)
    Tj 4+10 (2min)
    Sean 5+ dubs (1min)
    Borden 4+65 rx

    Matt c 6+89 rx
    Andrew c 6+5 rx
    Julie 5+37 (50du)
    Dave 3+62 rx
    Genesis 4+45 sc
    Matt e 5rx
    Ravi 4+50 sc
    Ranjith 5 sc

  6. Solid numbers tonight!!!
    My score from Sunday was 6 rds 100 du and 50 ft walking lunge

  7. 5:30

    Jenna 4+35 Rx
    Mike R 5+27 Rx
    Rich A 7+30 Rx
    Jess A 6+75 ft sc
    Giuls 6+50 Rx
