
W.O.D. 9.27.16

Back Squat
50 Reps in 20 Minutes

Warm up your BACK SQUAT to a heavy weight (somewhere between 75-90% of your 1 RM). Then on a running clock complete 50 reps in sets of your choice for 20 minutes. The weight should be challenging and require you to rest between sets. 

Your score is the weight used for all 50 reps. 

Cash out: 
AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
Max Kettlebell Snatches (35/53#)

Community Notes:
Join us for the "Beat the Streets" WOD in all classes Friday and our special edition at 5:30PM on Friday night. Suggested donation $25.

Don't forget about our special Yoga series with Tori which continues on Saturday morning at 11:00AM with Tori in the Annex Upstairs Yoga room.

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do” 
 ― Pelé


  1. 6am
    Mike sim 225+245/ 72 Rx
    Sarah w 105/80(18)
    Mike Sa 135/62 (35/18)
    Teresa 105/64(26)
    Danielle g 135/65(18)
    Kevin 165/65(35)
    Manisha 90/ 80(18)

    Lauren h 165/85(26)
    Timmy p 125/56rx
    Phani 125(45)/50(18)
    Kate k 105/53(18)
    Jon p 225

  2. Rich a 275 80 Rx
    Jessie 105 105 reps @18
    Seba 83 44 @ 18#
    Tori 103

  3. 430

    Keith 305, 76 Rx
    Lucy 73, :/
    Dana 135, 66 26# 1 arm
    Julie Foucher 125, 56 Rx
    Oscar 205, 74rx
    Mike R 175, 65 35#
    Jess A 85, 63 26#
    Katie M 75, 65 10#
    McHugh 205, 36 44#

    Cline 195 (40 reps), 77 44#
    Ryan A 315
    Dave 245, 55 44#
    Ranjith 105, 70 18#
    Ravi 135, 60 26#
    Genesis 75, 84 18#
    Neil 225, 66 Rx


  4. 9:30
    Jill hi 115 66@26
    Jackie 155 60rx
    Bekah 150 (24reps), 98@26

  5. 6:30pm
    Josh s 155 52rx
    Alexis 85 :/ @18
    Kris 125 77@26
    Alan 73 w/20inbox, 78 ruskbs 18#
    Nate 125, 89@35
    Matt b 225, 52rx
    Ron 185, 83rx
    Mike c 105 :/ 35

  6. 5:30

    Alicia-Marie 115/did work 26#
    Alone 135/83 Rx
    Flounder 125/73 35#
    Jen S 105/108 26#
    John(NY) 165/86 35#
    Laura A 155/91 Rx
    Ryan S 175/l/86 35#
    Sean S 205/62 53#
    Sermed 90/100 26#
    Shawna 125/82 26#
