
W.O.D. 9.23.16


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: 
Run 400 meters Max rep Pull-ups

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex, 110C DeKalb.

“Life is like a game of chess. 
To win you have to make a move. 
Knowing which move to make comes with IN-SIGHT and knowledge, and by learning the lessons that are acculated along the way. 
 We become each and every piece within the game called life!” 
 ― Allan Rufus, The Master's Sacred Knowledge


  1. 6/7am
    Dana D 84 Rx
    Theresa 83 Rx
    Laura Alt. 53Rx
    Katie M 35 band
    Matt R 45 Rx
    King 94 Rx
    Mike S 75 (ghd)
    Mike Sim 66 (strict pullups)

    Kate K 45 band
    Briana K 80 Rx
    Nick C 96 Rx
    Paul D 44 band
    Angelo 103 Rx
    Nicole 33 band

  2. 9:30
    Michael Roth 54 pr!!
    Mary h 39 rom
    Jill h 25 Rx pr!
    Karen 36 band
    Jackie 34 Rx pr
    Terry 38 Rx pr
    Emma 25 band
    Barb z row Rr

  3. 12:15
    Jessie 37 Rx
    Tim h 30 band bike 25 cal
    Ryan s108 Rx pr!!!
    Seba 24 band
    Joe m 34 Rx ( kip )

  4. 3:30
    Nicole M. 57 band
    Mit Mit.44 RX
    Rob C. 58 RX PR!
    Jonathan P. 86 RX
    Alicia-Marie 40 RX PR!
    Mike R. 116 RX PR!
    Ryan A. 44 RX PR!
    Justin H. 64 RX

    Giulia 98 RX PR!
    Maggie 103 RX
    Chris D. 88 RX PR!
    Matt B. 40 RX
    TJ 59 RX PR!
    Josh M. 110 RX PR!
    Sean S. 61 RX PR!
    Jess A. 42 Band/Rom
    Danielle G. 30 Floss
    Lucy Q. 44 Band

    Bryan S. 35 RX
    Ashley M. 24 RX
    Jen S. 43 RX PR!
    Alona 46 RX
    Kevin H. 54 RX PR!

    Alan 34 rr (bike 20 cal)
    Matt E. 51 RX
    Genesis 43 rr
    David S. (drop in) 101 RX
    Josh S. 70 RX
    Alexis S. 50 rr

    Awesome job tonight! Lot's of PR's!
    - Jill
