
W.O.D. 8.18.16

Five rounds for max reps of: 
Body weight bench press

There is no time component to this workout. 

If you are not able to do your body weight on the Bench Press this will be scaled to your level and ability.

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the ANNEX, 110 C DeKalb St.  Please meet and park there.

Join Coach Tim at the track tomorrow night at 5:30 PM for the 1 mile time trial...and congratulations to Laura and Tim on the birth of their new baby Max! He joined the world on Sunday weighing in at 6 lbs 13 oz and is sure to be a dynamite athlete like his parents!

“You never know how strong you are… until being strong is the only choice you have.”
― Cayla Mills


  1. Congratulations Laura and Tim! He is adorable.

  2. Score is total reps.
    Theresa L 130 (65#)
    Maggie 132 (95#/ 75% of body weight)

    Paul D 50 (135#) banded PU
    Ashley M 62 (75#)
    Briana K 85 (125#)
    Jeff B 100 (205#)

  3. Congratulations Laura and Tim and big brother Miles! Welcome to the world Max!

  4. Brian r 96 (rr,110)
    Nicole r 58 (55,band)
    Chris D 114 (179-RX)

  5. 12:15pm
    Aimee 130 Rx 125#
    Meredith H 85, 73# strict banded PU
    Justin Dur 73, 115#
    Mike Sim 149 Rx 205#
    Rob C 52: 165# for 4 rounds, 155# for 1 Round
    Sarah W 77, 53# strict banded PU
    Joe M 64, 155#
    Luis M 77, 165#
    Dana D 129, 75#

    Masters 1pm
    "Triple B"
    1:00min intervals of: Assault bike, burpees, Med ball cleans

  6. Masters were Jodilee, Terry, Pam V. Great work ladies.

  7. 4:30pm
    Matt C 101, 175# Rx
    Josh Mc 122, 175# Rx
    Patrick 108, 185#
    Sean S 89, 185#
    Angelo 149, 150# Rx
    Ryan S 108, 115#
    Giulia 122, 95# PR!
    Jill A 122, 95#
    Sarina 103, 68#
    Kendall 69, 78#

  8. 5:30pm
    Ale 67, 65#
    Tia 48, 115#
    Cline 89, 105#
    Mark S 95, 185#
    Steph C 80, 70#
    Shawna 63, 70#
    Ben T 91, 155#
    Gordy 109, 135#

  9. 6:30pm
    Esra 50, 55#
    Erik F 67, 145#
    Raj 71, 85#
    Lindsey 91, 65#
    Alan 116, 95# back squat and RR
    Kris L 52, 75#
    Nicole N 99, 55#
    Mike R 98, 95#

  10. Track Workout 1 mile Run Test

    John McH 6:21.5
    Borden 7:04.4
    Ashley M 7:20.1
    Flounder 7:29.2
    Mike S 7:36.4
    Alona 7:56.7
    Jen S 8:04.0
