
W.O.D. 8.17.16

For time:
70 Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10 ft)
60 Shoulder to Overhead (65/95#)
50 Sit-ups
40 Sumo-deadlift High Pulls (65/95#)
30 Burpees over the bar
20 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups

*Time cap 20 minutes

“True strength is keeping everything together when everyone expects you to fall apart.”
– Unknown


  1. 5:15am
    Theresa L 19:53 Rx
    Mike San 20:29 53# 10#wb
    Manisha 19:38 45# 12#wb
    **Scoring: Every unfinished rep adds an extra second onto your time.
    Mike Sim 17:22 Rx
    Danielle G 20:14 65# 14# band
    Nate W 20:43 70# 20#wb
    Matt R 20:27 65# 20#wb
    Pete W 16:07 Rx
    Lauren C 20:27 65# 10#wb
    Tara 20:06 35# 10#wb
    Jeff B 20:35 Rx
    Ben M 20:42 55# 14#

    Jim 20:30 53# 10#wb
    Nicole N 20:50 45# 12#wb
    Laura 19:02 Rx
    Sean B 21:00 75# 16#wb

    50 WB, 40 S2OH, 30 SDHP, 20 BOB, 10 Strict PU
    Grace A 12:45 35#, 8#wb
    Sydney 17:47 35#, 8#wb

    Jill Hi 20:32 Rx
    Jackie H 20:30 Rx
    Ace 22:20 35#, banded PU, 8#wb
    Michael R 20:52 75#, 16#wb
    Jess A 20:47 45#, 12#wb
    Jill Her 20:25 55#sumo 15#OH 14#wb

  2. 12:15pm
    Pam G 15:31 Rx
    Erika L 20:29 55# 10#wb
    Dana D 16:56 55#
    Nicole M 20:26 33# 10# wb banded PU
    Meredith H 20:33 43# 12# wb
    Sharon C 20:54 53# 10#wb
    Rob C 20:40 95# 20#wb
    Alex T 20:29 45# 10#wb 1 banded PU
    Jessie S 20:22 53# 12#wb
    Samantha S 20:40 35# 8#wb

  3. 4:30 pm

    Oscar R. 21:13
    Joe C. 20:20
    Lucy Q. 21:14
    Nina 18:45
    Kathy 19:50


  4. **4:30 scales

    Oscar Rx
    Joe C. Rx
    Lucy Q. 10# wb, 35# barbell,banded PU
    Nina F. 53# barbell
    Kathy F. 10# wb,35# barbell, banded PU


  5. 5:30pm for Giulz
    Alison K 18:02 ROM
    Katie S 19:26 (8#,35#,Band)
    Sean S 20:26 75#
    Nooshi 18:01 sc
    Mike F 21:00 (75/16)
    Mariana 20:20 (55,12)
    Steph C. 19:19 35#
    Maggie 17:17 RX
    Josh 20:40 75#
    Sarmad 20:15 (65,10)

    Carolynn 17:04 Sc
    Angello 18:00 75#
    Erik 20:30 (75/18)
    Esra 20:40 (35,10)
    Borden 20:49 95#

    Chris D 17:06 75#
    Julie 20:26 RX
    Christine 21:000 RX
    Raj 20:20 Band
    Ashley 20:40 RX
    Brian 20:12 75#
