
W.O.D. 8.15.16

 Our first CFKoP ladies shirts ever!!! Who still has one? 

Take 20 Minutes to find a 1 RM Power Clean


For time:
10 Thrusters
9 Deadlifts
8 Squat Cleans
7 Push-press
6 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
4 Push Jerks
3 Hang Squat Cleans
2 Power Cleans
1 Squat Snatch

(Ladies 95#/Men 135#)

The weak fall, but the strong will remain and never go under!
— Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl


  1. 6am
    Mike Sa 155 PR!/7:05 85#
    Theresa 105/ 5:31 75# split
    Manisha 90/ 6:20 55#
    Jeff B 245/6:00 115#
    Lauren C 125/ 5:49 75#
    King 185/ 6:38 115#
    Ben M 145/ 7:06 95#

    Pete 195/ 5:55 115#
    Kate 110/ 7:37 65#
    Paul 155/ 11:06 125/115/95#
    Nicole N 90/ 7:10 55#

  2. 9:30am
    Pam G 135, 5:47 85#
    Jill H 115, 7:50 75#
    Jackie H 150, 5:42 80#
    Lindsey 98, 5:45 63# HBD!!
    Dana D 120, 6:14 75# power snatch
    Liz T 105 PR!, 5:51 50#
    Pam V 35, 10:57 23#
    Joe C 225, 7:12 115# power snatch
    Sarah W 105 PR!, 5:19 55#
    Karen 85, 7:38 45#
    Casey 95, 6:28 55#
    Aimee 165, 4:34 Rx

  3. 12:15pm
    Mike Sim 235, 5:26 Rx
    Rob C 215 PR!, 7:33 Rx
    Tim H 175, 4:20 95#
    Katie S 35# form, 6:02 35#
    Caroline C 35# form, 6:02 35#
    Dianne 75, 8:43 35#
    Rich A 249.4, 5:19 Rx
    Jess A 100 PR!, 6:10 55# power snatch
    Amanda C 75 PR!, 6:29 45#

    Meggan 118 PR!, 7:45 68#
    Julie 145, 4:34 65# power snatch
    Matt C 225 PR!, 7:40 Rx
    Keith B 285 PR!, 4:10 Rx
    Ina 75, 6:03 40# power snatch
    Dave 225, 5:45 Rx

    Giulz 154 PR!, 6:30 Rx
    Jill A 73kg (red red yellow), 55/95 6:03
    Alicia 123 PR JERK!, 53# 6:15
    Ben T 200, 95# 4:57
    Alex T 85, 45# 6:01

    Tia 145 PR! 7:29 85#
    Laura A 140, 6:33 85#
    Shawna 120 PR!, 5:39 65#
    Mike F 205, 6:49 95#
    Steph C 105, 5:21 55#
    Maggie 165 PR! 5:32 Rx
    Alejandra 105 PR!, 3:50 55#
    Justin 215 6:09 115#
    Oscar 225 5:45 Rx
    Fayth 120 PR! 5:09 55#
    Josh P 215 PR! 5:22 95#
    Kyle B 7:45 20#

    Esra 90 PR! 9:24 55#
    Ryan A 275 6:54 Rx
    Craig 215 PR!, 9:15 115#
    Angelo 175 PR!, 4:02 65#
    Rob P 155 9:40 95#
    Erik 175 6:01 95#
    Mr Intensity 175 7:58 95#
    Brian 175, 4:56 95#
    Nate 155, 6:03 75#
    Borden 195, 4:32 95#
    Cline 195, 6:38 115#
    Matt B 225, 8:36 Rx
    Danielle G 120 4:27 65#
    Kris 130 PR! 5:40 65#
    Raj 165 PR!, 6:35 Rx
