
W.O.D. 8.12.16

Partner WoD!
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
12 Deadlifts (105/155#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (105/155#)
6 Push Jerks (105/155#)
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

Athletes share the work, one athlete working at a time.

Community Notes:
Join us ON SUNDAY 8/14 at 1:30 PM for a FREE workout! Bring someone new to CrossFit! All Family and Friends are welcome! 

There will be NO competitors class at 7:00AM or NO Preschool class at 10:00 AM on Saturday.  All will resume next week. 

“If you are afraid of failure you don’t deserve to be successful!”
– Charles Barkley


  1. 6am
    Rachel & Bryan Spring: 8+18 44#kb/35#
    Manisha & Lauren C 8 + 48 75# knee push ups
    Laura Alt & Briana K 6+27, 85#/85#kb deadlift
    Ben M & Mike S 7+12 95#
    Jeff B (solo) 5+10 115#

    Maggie C, Danielle G & Kate K 7+12, Rx/105#deadlift band/85# PP and clean
    Ryan A & Nick C 5+39 Rx

  2. 9:30am
    Kevin B & Mike C- 6+32, 105#/95#
    Rakia&Jess A& Katie M- 9+48, 55#, band
    Kendall &Sarina- 7, 65# band
    Mary H &Jill H- 9+5, 65# PU att + PU
    Steph C & Fayth 9+28, 65#

  3. 12:15pm
    Tim H/Rob C- 7+27, 155# DL 95# pj/hpc, Tim banded pu some snake
    Jon P/Mike Sim- 10+12 Rx
    Seba/ Lucy Q- 7+15 65#/45# band, snake

  4. 3:30pm
    Meg L & LP 9+13. 65,band,snake// 85#.
    Kevin H&Chris D & Erik F- 7+33 135#dl/ 115#

    Justin H& Ben T 7+12 135/115#
    Anne B & Jess M 6+27 (drop in) 50#, band, snake/ Rx

    Tia&Lindsey 8. 95/65, ring row and snake sometimes
    Jen S & Alona 9+27 55#/85#, rom pu
    Keith& Alicia 9+12. Rx/ 65#
    Esra& Cline 7+55 55# band,snake/125#
    Ashley Mc& Lauren H 8+22 95#/snake
    Sean S &Mike F 8+12 95#
    Kyle B & Lynanne 4+21. 40kb,20db,RR / 15# bar

  5. 6:30
    Michal/Pete 7+15 RX
    Alan/Sarah W. 6+21 (34#/rr/bench pu) (55#/snake)
