
W.O.D. 6.9.16

Complete as many reps as possible in 5 minutes of: 
110/165-lb. squat clean and jerks 

Score is total Reps.

Cash out:
Max out
for time:
Prowler Push (180/270#)*
(from barricades to wall)
*weight does not include the sled

Community Notes:
All classes will be held in the Annex (110C DeKalb) on Saturday, 6/11 and Sunday, 6/12. Please meet and park there.

Vision without action is daydream. Action without vision is nightmare.
– Japanese Proverb


  1. 8:30/9:30 AM
    Aimee 17 Rx (5:30 Rx)
    Jenna 13 99# (12:22 Rx)
    Gordy 16 136# (4:10 230#)
    Bekah 18 99# (8:39rx)

    Jill H 16 75# (3:08 90#)
    Lizzie 14 65# (2:47 90#)
    Heather 13 45# (4:34 90#)
    Jonathan 20 85# (3:08 180#)
    Darcy 16 65# (2:03 90#)
    Tara 13 50# (2:56 90#)
    Pam 13 Rx (3:52 rx)

  2. LP for TP

    Kevin B 18 (115#) 2:30 (180#)
    Matt Ry 17 (95#) 2:46 (180#)
    Ellie H 20 (100# squat cleans) 3:20 1/2 135#, 1/2 90#

    Mike Sim 16 Rx 2:43 270 down, 180 back
    Jon P 16 Rx 2:42 270 down, 180 back
    Brianna K 21 Rx 3:30 180 down, 90 back
    Ashley Mc 15 (85#) 2:45 (90#)
    Lauren Hes 17 (85#) 2:36 (90#)
    Nick C 17 (135#) 3:30 270 down, 180 back

  3. 12:15
    Dana 16 95# ( 5:08 140#)
    Denise 14 95# 3:55 140#
    Mike I 14 110# 3:23 180#
    Tim H 13 135# 5:08 Rx
    Jess A 16 65# 2:21 90#
    Sarah W 18 65# 5:14 90

  4. Masters
    Bill (26/8#) and Terry (26/12#)
    AMRAP in 15
    Prowler push, KBS, PP
    total Reps 181 reps

  5. 4:30PM and 5:30 PM
    Michael C 17 83# (3:38 140#)
    Scott M 13 Rx
    TJ 15 85#
    Keith 24 Rx 3:24 180#
    Jill A 21 Rx 3:48 140#
    Ryan S 14 135# 3:55 180#
    John Mc 13 135# 4:03 Rx
    Anne B 19 50#
    Rob C 14 Rx 7:00 Rx
    Eric F 19 115# 3:47 230

    4:30...I missed some of your Prowler scores, if you remember them please post to comments!!!

    Twinnie 16 65# 2:54 90#
    Mariana 17 70# 2:23 90#
    Alicia 15 73# 1:54 90#
    Josh 15 125# 2:49 180
    Jason I 16 135# 3:12 180#
    Shawna 12 95# 3:34 90#
    Kendall 21 58# 157 90#
    Ale 20 65# 5:12 90
    Alison 20 110# Power 2:14 140#

  6. Matt E 18 155, 4:18rx
    Dan 17 Rx, 4:34rx
    Lindsey 20 75, 3ish 90
    Matt C 17 135, 4:34rx
    Steph C 20 65, 3:22 90
    Esra 20 55, 3:43 90

