
W.O.D. 6.8.16

Row 500 Meters
15 Burpees
Row 500 Meters
14 Burpees
Row 500 Meters
13 Burpees
Row 500 Meters
12 Burpees
Row 500 Meters
11 Burpees...


...Row 500 Meters
1 Burpee

TIME CAP 35 Minutes

Record amount of work completed

In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.
– Theodore Roosevelt


  1. 5:15am
    John Mc: 105 + 500m
    Theresa L: 105 + 55m
    Mike San: 99 + 218m
    Manisha S: 99 + 220m

    Matt C: 110 + 340m
    Bri K: 105 + 81m
    Matt R: 105
    Justin R: 110
    Mike Sim: 114 + 200m
    Ben M: 99 + 50m
    Lauren C: 93 + 423m
    Jeff B: 105 + 200m
    Dana D: 110
    Kate.M: 93 + 47m
    Kevin B: 114 + 350m
    Justin D: 93 + 434m

  2. 9:30am
    Aimee: 105 + 500m
    Emma S: 92 + 200m
    Karen S: 99 + 266m
    Rob C: 114 + 169m
    Heather: 84 + 500m
    Jess A: 88
    Jackie H: 105 + 60m
    Nicole M: 92 + 104m
    Jill H: 99 + 469m
    Mary H: 99
    Kevin H: 105 + 500m

  3. 12:15pm
    Mike K: 105 + 150m
    Karen M: 92 + 110m
    Nick C: 114 + 225m
    Mere H: 92 + 240m
    Tim H: 97
    Laura P: 110

  4. 4:30PM

    Mike C. 105
    Pam G. 110+203
    Sarina K. 99+40
    Nicole N. 99+117m
    David H. 110+250m
    Kendall G. 105+369m
    Jodilee G. 84
    Jacob M. 110+307m
    Aidan M. 110+341m
    Mike I. 99
    Jenna K. 105
    Mike R. 110+369m


  5. 530
    Silver Fox 110+56
    Mike F 89

    Matt E 105+459m
    Kristin 99+68m
    Ashley Mc 102
    Danielle 105+200m
    Amanda 99+460m
    TJ 110+30m
    Neil 94
    Nate 110+150m
    Tia 99+235m
    Lauren 92+ 430m
    Cline 110+33m
    Mike C 114+75m

    Dave 110+474m
    Julie F 110+300m
