
W.O.D. 6.21.16

 Congratulations to Steph, Aimee, Giulia and Sarah who all competed at the Masters Pan-Am's on Saturday, June 18th in Puerto Rico!


 Squat Cleans (95/135#) 
Ring Dips


 Rest 2:00 minutes then... 

take 10 minutes following the workout to build to a Heavy 2 RM Hang Squat Clean

"Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward; they may be beaten, but they may start a winning game."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



  1. 9:30 AM

    Jill H. 13:40(65#),band),95#
    Sarina K. 15:21(50,band),50#
    Katie M. 12:14(45#,paralettes),65#
    Bekah M. 12:06(83#,band),133# PR!
    Sarah W. 11:13(65# pwr cl,band),95# pwr cl
    Jessica A. 10:29(55# pwr cl,paralettes),75# pwr cl


  2. 12:15 Express and 1:00 Masters
    Pam 16:44 rx 125#
    Dana 11:10 85# band 115 PR
    Denise 15:01 95# band 125#
    Erika 15:18 73# band PR! 80
    Tim H 14:13 (11/5/5 ring dips) 175#
    Joe M 17:02 75# 85#
    Jessie 12:15 63 band 103#

    Squat Clean
    Push up
    Terry 10:46 55#
    Bill 11:12 35#
    Jodilee 12:56 55#
    Mom 14:05 23#
    Dad 12:26 55#

  3. Jon 14:57 RX, 195
    Mike Sim 11:39 RX, 215
    Manisha 11:25 (45/band), 80
    Justin 16:45 (105, band), 145 PR!
    Ellie 11:29 (70, band), 115
    Kevin 11:50 (115, band) 160 PR!
    Mike Sa 12:23 (75, band) 125 PR!
    Lauren C 13:43 (75, band), 85
    Danielle 14:25 (75, band) 100

    Briana 13:03 (band), 154
    Nick 12:57 (115), 175* singles
    Joe 17:31 (115), 155
    Raj 14:54 (75, band) 125 PR!
    Kate K 15:48 (70, band) 103

  4. Dudes After Dark

    Cline 14:32 (115#, band) 165
    Dave 13:37 (115#, band) 195
    Brian T 13:58 (95#, band) 135
    Julie 14:23 (band) 135
    Christine 13:54 (parallette) 145
    Chris 11:09 (115) 175 PR!

  5. 4:30

    Kendall 15:40 Band 95
    Matt C 13:59 185
    Nicole 10:59 45 band 80
    Mel 13:00 band 135
    Josh Mc 12:44 125 145
    Lucy Q 13:18 40 band 60
    Mike Rei 13:25 95 135
    Dave H 13:33 115 215
    Marni 14:01 ------
    Jill A 9:27 40 1arm DB/ghd 155 FS
    Rich A 7:23 225


    Tia 14:04 75 band 95
    Mike(DC) 11:15 165
    Flounder 13:16 65 band 125
    Luke 13:54 85 band 155
    Nico 13:50 95 band 115
    Josh P 14:03 95 band 155


    Ashley Mc 11:32 80 band 115
    Matt E 14:35 115 band 195
    Rachel 14:36 175
    Nate 14:45 75 125
    Mike C 12:35 80 115
    Neil 13:27 115 band 155
    Rob P 20:17 95 125
    Rehman 17:33 65HPC band 95
    Lindsey 11:48 65 band 11:48
