
W.O.D. 6.22.16

3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
10 Overhead Squats (95/135#)
10 Push Press (95/135#)
10 Bar Facing Burpees over the bar

"Problems are only opportunities in work clothes." 
 - Henry J. Kaiser


  1. 5:15am (Outside)
    John Mc: 15:58 85#
    Manisha S: 15:47 45#
    Mike San: 16:08 65#

    6am (Outside)
    Lauren C: 16:58 55#
    John K: 14:50 105#
    Mike Sim: 14:40 115# Row
    Kevin B: 13:11 95#
    Justin D: 18:18 45# Rom
    Ben M: 18:32 Rom

    Aimee: 14:38 Rx
    Pam G: 14:30 75#
    Karen S: 15:09 PVC Rom/ 35# PP
    Brian S: 19:33 95# Rom
    Mary H: 16:56 35# Rom
    Kevin H: 13:57 15# Rom / 95# PP
    Joe M: 17:09 65# Rom / 95# PP
    Kendall: 19:16 63#
    Laura P: 15:59 75#
    Jon P: 19:38 Rx
    Jackie H: 17:06 75# Rom
    Emma S: 17:34 PVC Rom / 35# PP
    Jill H: 15:44 45#

    12:15 Express
    Panos: 12:26 95#
    Dana "Made of Magic" D: 15:45 75#
    Drew L: 17:02 115# Rom
    Rich A: 17:07 Rx
    Sarah W: 18:00 45# Rom Row
    Rob C: 20:29 115#
    Erika L: 17:23 58# Rom
    Nicole M: 18:20 43# Rom
    Denise W: 16:52 65#
    Therese W: d18:43 33# Rom
    Dave N: 19:55 Rx
    Mike K: 15:00 65# Rom
    Heather G: 18:32 25# Rom
    Tim H: 18:19 33# OHS / 95# PP

  2. 4:30 PM

    Ryan A. 20:46 Rx
    Jenna K. 16:35,65#
    Eric F. 19:37,95#
    Meggan L. 19:27,53#
    Karen M. 19:35,53#
    Mike M. 19:50,85#(front squat)
    Alex T. 15:01,35#
    Kyle 15:15,65#


  3. Jen 15:35 (55)
    Alona 14:30 (65)
    Mike C 15:19 (65)
    Matt B 20:01 (115)

    Julie R 16:58 (55 ROM)
    Nick 17:43 (115/95)
    Bordan 14;29 (95/ jerk)
    Brian 14:24 (85 ROM)
    Nicole 17:06 (45)
    Matt E 17:53 (115)
    Cline 15:41 (95)

  4. 5:30

    Josh Mc 11:55 75
    Alicai 13:23 45
    Marni 17:50 55
    Nidhi 18:02 35
    Fayth 16:51 45
    Steph C 16:03 45
    Mark C 14:14
    Tia 18:56 65
    Ashley Mc 17:17 65
    Mark S 24:10 95fs
    Steph Mc 17:02 45
    Mike F 24:10 95
    Jason I 17:41 95
    Melissa 19:30 45
