
W.O.D. 6.18.16

5 Rounds for time of:
15 Wallballs (14/20#) to 9/10 feet
12 Deadlifts (135/185#)
9 Lateral Burpees over the Bar

Community Notes:
Good luck to Steph, Sarah S, Giulia and Aimee competing at the Pan Am's (for Olympic lifting) in Puerto Rico.

"The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt." 
- Max Lerner

1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    Heather 17:06 53 10
    Mark 15:15 165
    Ryan A 16:30 Rx
    Sarah W 17:44 105 kbs
    Theresa 14:19 Rx


    Justin D 20:21 165 4 rounds
    Rob C 13:15 Rx
    Mike Ro 14:27 135 16
    Kate K 15:29 113
    Alicia 13:06 83 10
    Cline 14:45 165
    Raj 17:10 115
    Steph C 16:27 105
    Calvin 15:50 Rx
    Rehman 18:45 95 14
    Therese 18:16 113 10
    Fayth 15:47 105 10
    Brian 19:46 155
    Keith 11:55 Rx
