
W.O.D. 6.16.16

Take 20 Minutes to build to a 1 RM Power Clean


AMRAP in 15 Minutes
15/10 Cals on the Air Assault Bike
10 Toes to Bar
5 Power Cleans (use about 70% of your 1 RM)

Community Notes:
Coach Tim is doing a 1 mile time trial at the CrossFit Enduance Class at the Upper Merion Track tonight at 5:30 PM! This is open for all members, it counts as a regular class. 

"You only ever grow as a human being if you're outside your comfort zone." 
- Percy Cerutty


  1. LP for TP

    6amers (clean weight, Rounds + Reps)
    King 185, 5+3
    Mike Sim 235, 6+7
    Mike S 140, 4
    Kevin B 155, 5
    Theresa 115, 6
    Justin D 175 PR, 4 +25 (T2B ROM)
    Jeff B 255, 5 (165)
    Brianna K 176, 5

    Nick C 215, 5 + 15cal
    Cline 195, 4+7 (145)

  2. 8:30 Comp

    Jenna 133, 5+5(93)
    Bekah 133,5+15(93)
    Gordy 195,5+2(135)


    9:30 am
    Karen S. 73#,5+5(53) k2e


    12:15 EXP

    Meredith H. 103# PR!,4+4(73),ttb-a
    Therese W. 113#,2+38(83)
    Rob C. 215#PR!,4(155)
    Mike I. 150#,4+12(95),ttb-a
    Denise W. 135# PR!,4+8(95),ttb-a


    1:00 Masters

    Terry J. 65#,5(45),ttb-
    Jodilee G. 93# PR!,5(63#),k2e-a
    Kendall G. 105#PR!,3+5(80#),k2e-a
    Bill 35#,3+3(35),sit-ups
    Kevin M. 155#PR!,4+24(105),ttb-a
    Chanda 35#PR!,2+22(35),k2e-a


  3. 4:30/5:30

    Anne Br 70 5 k2e
    Dana 120 6 Rx
    Jacob 150 5+4 Rx
    Jill A 155 FS 8+2 DB clean
    Matt B 205 4+14 Rx
    Mike Rem 145 4 Rx
    Seba 145 4 Rx
    Keith 275 4+15 (205)
    Alejandra 95 4+10 Rx
    Jess A 85 4+15 k2e
    Mariana 100 PR! 4+21 (70)
    Nidhi 65HPC 4+3 k2e
    Steph Mc 95 5 (63)
    Tia 143 PR! 4+10 (95)Rx?
    TJ 140 4+4 Rx

  4. 5:30pm Track Workout
    Timed 1 Mile Run (4 laps of the track (1600meters)

    Alex R 6:21.9
    Justin R 6:24.5
    Matt C 6:32.9
    John McH. 6:42.5
    Joy C 6:49.3
    Dave N 7:06.5
    Flounder 7:29.4
    Alona 7:35.9
    Borden 7:38.1
    Jen S 7:39.8
    Jill H 9:10.0
    Kris Lym. 9:06.8
    Katie Ma. 10:27.5
    Emma San. 5:04 (800m)

  5. 6:30p
    Nico 145, 4+1
    Reman 75, 3 (3 cal on bike; T2B ROM)
    Rich A 260 PR!, 5+15
    Steph C 100, 6+5
    Matt E 215, 4+15
    Erik 180, 4+28 (knee raises)
    AMM 115 PR!, 5+6
    Miss Jackson 100, 4+10
    Michael C 135 PR!, 4+14
