
W.O.D. 5.23.16

Partner Hold:
60 Handstand Push-ups (while partner holds deadlift 155/225#) 
60 Front Squats (95/135#) (while partner hangs from pull up bar) 
60 Burpee Box Jumps (20/24") (while partner holds 95/135 Overhead)

"Vulnerability is something to be treasured, not hidden from.”
-Chris Anderson


  1. 9:30 special (80 Push-up scale)
    Jackie/Mary/Katie 19:44 sc
    Kevin/ Brian 20:52 sc

  2. 6am
    Mike Sim/ King 17:35 RX
    Manisha/ Briana K 20:25 (55/65, box)
    Mike S/ Kevin B 13:50 (155/75- 155/95)
    Justin D/ Ben M 24:26 (145/ 75)

    Julie Foucher 17:50 (2AB/ SB, 65 OH, 30 reps and :60 hold of each)

  3. Pam & DD 18:07rx
    Denise & Sarah 18:11sc
    Tim h, joe m, Mike I 14:03sc
    There & Meredith 19:22 125/53 17"/13"

  4. Barb and Terri M 15:45 - 23/45/113# and 65#/105#
    Aimee and Mike S 12:54 83/155 and Rx

  5. 5:30pm
    ryan S & josh P 16:36 95/135/pushups
    Justin R (2 abm) & Partic 20:52 95/225
    Giuls (Rx) & Laura A (1abm) 17:47
    Molly, Alej, Alex T 15:26 45/83/push up
    Tia & Shawna 21:05 55/115/pushups

  6. 4:30pm
    Mike M (push ups) & Mike R 19:19 95/155
    Matt C and Dave h 19:45 Rx
    Jilla 10:52 Rx (30 reps, 15s hold ever ytime a set was broken on hspu/fs & between every 10 burpeesbj)

  7. Alicia and Josh 19:08 83/115 95/185
    Danielle and Raj 17:09 75/115 95/145
    Chris squared (Cline and Differ) 13:51 175/ 115/85
    Fayth and Steph c 16:14 115/55
    Amanda and Neil 21:47 155/55 155/95
    Matt and Dave 22:43 Pushups
    Esra and Kris 20:08 35/65 155/65
    Mike C and Rehman 17:36 135/65 15/65
    Jon P and Keith 14:22 Rx
