
W.O.D. 4.8.16

"Making Men"
800m run 
2 Rope climbs 
10 Man makers  (20/30#)
2 Rope climbs 
400m run 
2 Rope climbs 
10 Man makers  (20/30#)
2 Rope climbs 
800m run

Man Maker Demo

Community Notes:
Join us Saturday 4/9 for a fun outing in Philly to celebrate our coaches birthdays!
8:30 PM at Time Restaurant 1315 Samson St. 

Sunday, 4/10 will be OPEN gym from 11:00AM - 1:00PM. Mark your calendars!

Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.
-Winston Churchill


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 6am
    Kevin 18:12RX
    Mike Sa 25:37 20#
    Taylor 23:22 (-2RC) 12/RCA
    Briana 26:41RX
    Jeff B 20:04RX (-2RC)
    Shari 23:22 (-2RC) 15#

    Double coach fail this morning. Big apologies to the 6am Crew. The clock was not started correctly so the times are approximate~~~. Also the WOD on the board was missing 2RC so a couple of athletes missed them. So sorry!! Thanks for being good sports about it!

    Nicole 25:18 1:2 Cargo Net Climb/15#
    Mark C 20:26 1:2 Cargo Net Climb/20#
    LP 17:53 RX

  3. These are 15' rope climbs right?

  4. 9:30 AM
    Dae 28:00 10# pulls
    Clarissa 30:24 10# pulls
    Emma 25:44 10# pulls
    Barb Z 23:45 10# row pulls
    Mary H 24:39 row 12#
    Jill H 23:52 15# pulls
    Katie 30:24 12# pulls
    Manisha 24:36 15#
    Jackie 24:45 12# Pulls
    Meggan 24:44 15# pulls

    12:15 express
    Joe M 23:00 20#
    Luis 28:24 25#
    Meredith 22:52 12#
    Sharon 30:32 12#
    Mariana 21:48 10#
    Karen M 25:40 15#
    Therese 27:24 10#

  5. 3:30pm

    Olan: 25:47 25#
    Mike R: 20:35 20#
    Erik F: 26:47 20#
    Rob C: 27:26 30# 10'
    Jon Pang: 19:24 Rx


    Rich A: 20:21 Rx+ 35#
    Justin R: 24:04 25#
    Roman G: 16:50 Rx
    Jen S: 23:22 3xPull 20#
    Alona: 22:27 Rx
    Pat P: 21:23 Rx
    Dave H: 19:39 Rx


    Brian T: 25:06 Rx
    Mike F: 29:24 4xPull
    Lucy Q: 26:23 15#
    John Mc: 23:01 Rx


  6. 630:
    Shawna 28:00 15#
    Kris 26:49 15# 1/2 attempts
    Lauren 25:10 15#
    Ashley 23:52 15# 4pulls
    Cline 21:15 rx
