
W.O.D. 4.9.16

Back Squat

Cash out:
Back Squat (at 50% of your 1 RM)
Box Jumps (30/24")

Community Notes:
Join us tonight for a fun outing in Philly to celebrate our coaches birthdays!
8:30 PM at Time Restaurant, 1315 Samson St. 

Tomorrow, Sunday, 4/10 will be OPEN gym from 11:00AM - 1:00PM.

“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” 
 ― Zig Ziglar

1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    Laura A 155 5:41
    Mark 275 6:13 24"
    Alex 135 4:14 20"
    Ellie 170 5:13
    Flounder 215 :(


    Erik 295 6:35
    Ashley 185 PR! 6:58
    Amanda 130 PR! 4:26 20"
    Mike Ro 195 5:22 24"
    Alicia-Marie 165 PR! 4:57
    Sarah W 105 6:30 20"
    Danielle 185 PR! 5:03 20"
    Sharon 143 6:43 17"
    Tori 133 4:51 20:
    Justin D 245 8:25 27"
