
W.O.D. 4.21.16

For time:
1000 Meter Row
50 Burpees
800 Meter Run
take 10 Minutes to find your 1 RM Clean and Jerk 

Your score will be total time for the Metcon then the weight lifted for the Clean and Jerk. The 10 minutes begins as soon as you return from the run.

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex 110C DeKalb.

"The soul is the truth of who we are." 
- Marianne Williamson


  1. 6am
    Dana D 11:38, 105#
    King 11:32, 175#
    Jon P 11:37, 210#
    Kevin B 11:20 135#
    Taylor S 15:30, 85#
    Theresa 12:33, 115#
    Ben M 15:18, 135#
    Mike S 15:00, 135#
    Mike Sim. 12:00 (row/burp/row), 235#
    Matt Ry. 12:37, 155#

    Brianna K 14:50, 135#
    Nick C 12:22, 195#
    Dashanae 19:50, 55#

  2. Shawna 16:20 95#
    Cline 14:02 155#
    Samson 165#
    Josh P 13:55 205#

    Danielle 13:09 95#
    Matt B 14:23 205#
    TJ 13:55 90#
    Lindsey 15:07 100#
    Brian 13:50 175# pr!
    Erik 16:11 165#
    Steph C 15:20 100# (105# clean pr)
    Jess A 17:22 85# pr
    Ellie 13:43 120#


  3. 8:30 AM
    Aimee 12:12 163#
    Jill A 13:24 163# PR
    Bekah 13:25 130#
    Jenna 14:15 132#

    9:30 AM
    Tim H 14:48 175# (1/2 burpees and 1/2 run)
    Mark R 12:59 205#
    Katie 20:18 85#
    Meggan 16:26 100#
    Darcy 16:30 85#
    Kevin H 13:37 165#
    Emma 18:47 55#
    Karen 14:20 73#

    Pam G 11:19 135#
    Therese 18:40 103 # PR!
    Rob C 11:12 185
    Denise 10:01 (1/2 run and burpees) 115#
    Erika L 12:50 98 (100 after Wod PR!)

    Dave 11:39 225#
    Mike R 11:37 165# PR!

    Terry 13:15 20#
    Jodilee 11:54 12# Db
    Bill 13:37 8#

    Masters WoD
    for time
    row 7:50 meters
    20 DB FS
    20 DB PP
    20 Push ups
    Row 750 meters
