
W.O.D. 4.18.16

For time:
400 Meter Run
27 Thrusters (75/115)
27 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
400 Meter Run
27 Kettlebell Swings (53/70)
27 Sumodeadlift High Pulls (75/115)
400 Meter Run
27 GHD Sit-ups
27 Toes to Bar

"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are but tiny matters compared to what lies within us."  
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. 6am
    Manisha 23:04 (45#/35#kb)
    Taylor S 19:13 (35#/26#kb/band
    Theresa 23:20 band
    Kevin B 22:50 (85#)
    Mike Sim 20:53 (sub 500 Row)

    Joe C 24:29 (sub row/sdhp 95
    Briana K 26:02 Rx
    Jon P 26:54 Rx
    Jasmine 17:18 scaled

  2. 12:15 Express

    Dana D: 19:37 53# 65#
    Rich A: 22:42 Rx
    Mike I: 21:34 35# 65#
    Mere H: 21:37 35# 35#
    Pam G: 18:57 53# 65#

  3. 9:30 AM
    Jill H 27:58 (65# band ttb attempts)
    Mary 27:02 45#
    Kevin H 27:17 95#/53#
    Melissa 24:56 (35#sc)
    Jackie 25:54 (55#/sc)
    Katie 27:37 (45#sc)
    Jonathan P 24:54 Rx
    Jessie 22:27 (55/band)
    Meggan 26:12 35#/65#
    Molly 28:08 (45#/35#band)
    Will"O" 27:40 95#

  4. 4:30

    Mike M 27:42 65/35
    Jill A 25:14 Rx
    Dae 27:10 45/35
    Alicia 27:06 53/35
    Nicole 28:29 55/35
    Olan 26:53 95
    Mark 22:05 95/55
    Mike R 26:11 75/55
    Mike K 27:51 75/55

  5. 3:30/5:30/6:30 PM
    Julie R 22:55 (55/53)
    Ryan A 24:05 (95# sc)
    Rob C 23:45 (95/55)

    Keith 23:54 Rx
    Giulia 21:30 65#
    Ryan S 21:19 75# Rus/Abmat
    Laura A 20:11 65#
    Josh P 24:58 75/55/PU/ABmat
    Cait 21:49 23#
    Twinnie 23:15 35# sc
    Alona 23:19 PU
    Jen S 22:30 55#/35#/45#
    Jenna 24:05 55$/44#

    6:30 PM
    Dave 28:21 85#/53#
    Cline 25:46 85#
    Kris 23:34 35/55 knees up
    Ryan (drop in) 23:40 :) 15 reps
    Bob 23:01 (sc 65#)
    Ashley M 22:40 55/44/
    Danielle 19:35 44/55/band
    Mike F 28:01 45/63/55
    Raj 24:23 44/55
    Michael C 22:46 44/65
    Steph C 19:05 35/35#
    TJ 23:46 53/65
    Amanda 23:03 35/45 rom

    "A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace" -Ovid
