
W.O.D. 4.19.16

"Pressure Cooker"
All for time:
3 Rounds of:
30 Double Unders
4 Shoulder Press (75/115)

Rest 2:00 Minutes

3 Rounds of:
30 Double Unders
8 Push Press (95/135)

Rest 2:00 Minutes

3 Rounds of:
30 Double Unders
12 Push Jerks (105/155)

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex 110C DeKalb.

"One of the greatest moments in anybody's developing experience is when he no longer tries to hide from himself but determines to get acquainted with himself as he really is. "
- Norman Vincent Peale


  1. Chris 18:23 RX
    King 18:44 95/115
    Mike Sim 15:47 RX
    Manisha 20:43 (35,45,50)
    Mike Sa 26:11 (75,85) DU/SU
    Taylor 18:58 (35,45,55) DUA
    Justin 6 rounds 21:37 DUA (78/98)
    Kevin 24:40 (75,95,105)

    Pete 17:17 (95/115/135)
    Jon 21:45 RX
    Briana 27:06 RX
    Dae 27:18 (35/45) DU
    Lauren 27:58 (65/85/95) DUA15
    Kris =) 27:16

  2. 9:30 AM

    Natalie H. 18:10 (35,35,35) su/du
    Karen S. 23:48 (43,53,33) su/du
    Jessica A. 19:56 (35,45,55) su x 2
    Bekah M. 24:22 (65,75,85)
    Emma S. 21:45 (35,45,35) su x 2


  3. 12:15 Express
    Erika DNF ((43/53/73) 15 DU
    Erik E 23:15 (63/63/63) 10 DUA
    Joe M 23:54 (75/85/95) 10 DUA
    Pam G 23:19 Rx
    Tim H 24:32 (95/115/135) 10 DUA
    Meredith 20:50 (45/55/55) 10 DUA

  4. Alex 21:20 55/65/65 15 dubs
    Lindsey 18:18 45/55/65 15 dubs
    Caitlyn 24:28 45/55/60 squat clean/power clean/hang clean 10 dubs
    Mike C 21:27 55/65
    Matt B 23:34 95/115/135
    TJ 21:43 55/65/75 10 dubs
    Ashley 20:00 55/65/75
    Mike Roth 20:35 75/85/95 15 su/15 dubs
    McHugh 28:45 95/115/135 15 dubs


  5. Nicole 20:12 25/45/50
    Cline 23:14 85/115/125
    Dave 19:53 95/115/135
    EJ 25:50 95/100/100, SU
    Chris 21:35 115/135/135

  6. 4:30pm

    Dana D: 23:00 65/76/85
    Mariana: 21:19 55/75/75
    Maddie M: 22:15 35/45/45
    Mike M: 22:25 85
    Mike Re: 20:17 75/95/105
    Julie R: 22:15 65/75/85
    Anne B: 23:44 35/40/45
    Rob C: 18:46 95/115/135 15 DUA
    Olan 25:10 115/135/135
    Mark C: 21:48 95/115/145


    Giulia: 15:22 65/75/85
    Laur(a): 16:00 65/75/85
    Jen S: :)
    Alona: 22:06 65/75/85
    Shawna: 31:21 55/65/75
    Pat P: 23:56 95/115/135
    Matt E: 23:20 Rx
    Brian T: 22:02 95/115/115
