
W.O.D. 4.16.16

Partner WoD: 
10 Rope climbs 
20 Pull-ups 
30 Handstand Push-ups
40 Toes to bar 
50 Goblet squats 35/55#
60 Double unders
750m row 
60 Double unders
50 Goblet squats 35/55#
40 Toes to bar 
30 Handstand Push-ups
20 Pull-ups 
10 Rope climbs 

*One athlete works at a time. The exercises must be completed in the order written. 

Community Notes:
Good luck to Cline, Dave N, Ashley Mc, Amanda, Shawna and Danielle competing in the Festivus Games 2016 at CrossFit South Philly TODAY!

"Take five minutes to center yourself in the morning - set your intention every day."
- Oprah Winfrey


  1. Jonathan P. 16:23 Rx
    Alex/Sarah W 20:06

    Jen/Alona 36:17
    Caitlyn/Steph 39:46

  2. Aimee/Rachel 23:19 Rx
    JillA/LauraA 26:53 Rx/2AB
    Gordy solo (1/2) 17:27 rx
    Dana/Pam ??
