
W.O.D. 4.15.16

TEST DAY-Record Results 

 Three rounds for time of: 
  Row 500 meters 
 12 Deadlifts: Body weight 
 21  Box jump 20/24 inch box

Community Notes:
Good luck to Cline, Dave N, Ashley Mc, Amanda, Shawna and Danielle competing in the Festivus Games 2016 at CrossFit South Philly on Saturday April 16th!

"A negative focus can result in our entirely missing the possibilities placed in our path." 
- Anne Wilson Schaef


  1. 6a
    Matt r 14:13 165
    Briana 14:20 Rx
    Taylor 14:12 73
    LP 12:40 Rx (including baby :)
    Kevin b 11:57 Rx
    Mike si 11:22rx (hex bar)
    Mike Sa 15:15 95
    Theresa l 13:38 Rx
    Shari d 14:28 75

    Alex l 12:10 Rx
    Nick c 12:52rx
    Peter w 11:02 Rx

  2. 9:30 AM
    Will"O" 13:30 Rx
    Luis 15:15 rx (205#)
    Rich A 10:41 RX PR
    Barb Z 16:22 95# 13" SU/BJ
    Cate 12:17 rx
    Gordy 11:50 Rx PR!
    Mary H 17:07 145# 20"
    Kevin H 13:50 Rx (175#)
    Jonathan P 11:54 rx
    Lauren C 14:58 rx
    Jackie 15:15 trap bar/ 105#
    Manisha 14:23 Rx PR!
    Meggan 16:13 17" 140 PR
    Emma 16:57 103#/13"
    Dave H 10:47 rx PR!
    AnnMarie14:07 83#
    Katie M 16:15 85# 13"SU/Jump

    Denise 14:03 44#KB
    Dana 11:28 Rx PR!
    Drew 12:54 Rx PR
    Joe C 14:31 Rx
    Mark C 13:50 225#
    Beau 10:13 rx
    Pam G 11:27 Rx PR!
    Jon P 12:10 Rx
    Mike K 14:55 185#
    Tim H 16:07 RfuckingX PR!!!!

  3. I still can't believe queen beat me by 1 second!! I shouldn't have dropped that bar!!

  4. 3:30pm

    Bryce: 11:15 125#
    Mike I: 12:21 125#
    Michal: 13:09 Rx PR!
    Jake M: 11:22 105#
    Rob C: 12:10 Rx PR!
    Ryan A: 15:30 Rx Trap Bar


    Derrick: 13:35 Rx
    Jill-A: 13:00 Rx PR!
    Roman G: 10:39 Rx


    EJ: 15:50 175#
    Mike F: 17:40 185#
    Matt C: 13:02 Rx
    Alona: 13:33 Rx
    Ryan S: 12:12 Rx
    Mariana: 14:07 95#
    Giulia: 12:00 Rx
    Lauren H: 14:54 115#


    Matt E: 13:07 Rx
    TJ: 13:58 145#
    Nate: 13:15 Rx
    Kris: 14:46 105#
    Jill H: 15:10 Rx
    Mike Roth: 14:42 Rx
    Steph C: 14:10 105#
