
W.O.D. 4.14.16


Front Squat

Ca$h out:
AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Pistols

Community Notes:
Good luck to Cline, Dave N, Ashley Mc, Amanda, Shawna and Danielle competing in the Festivus Games 2016 at CrossFit South Philly on Saturday April 16th!

"No one ever gets anything worthwhile by accident." 
- Dorothea S. Kopplin


  1. 6am
    Matt Ryan 145, 4+9
    Mike S 170, 4+11 box
    Theresa L 110, 5+6 Rx
    Taylor S 90, 4+11 box
    Justin D 175, 4+10 box
    Mike Sim. 225, 4+18
    Briana k 180, (200# 1rep PR), 6+18 Rx
    Laurea Alt. 155, 5 rnds Rx

  2. 9:30 AM
    Kevin 220 PR !! 4+12 box
    Jessie 118 5 + 5 air squat
    Emma 65 4 + 10 box ab mat
    Karen 110 PR! 6 + 8 box ab mat
    Natalie 55 5 + 16 box ab mat
    Darcy 113# 4 + 17 box

  3. 12:15
    Denise 135 5 + 5 ROM
    Tim H 255 4 + 1 20" box
    Mike K 165 PR 6+18 AB 20"
    Lucy Q 93 4+10 plate GHD
    Pam G 6 +17 rx
    Joe M 115 5 + 1 ball plates ab mat

    AMRAP in 15
    200 M run
    10 Goblet Squats
    10 KBS

    Terry 6 26#
    Jodilee 5+7 26#
    Mom 5 18#
    Dad 6 26#
    Bill 6 18#

  4. Mike 185 pr 4+5 rom
    Sarah 95 4+16 ball 25+15
    Barb C 65, 4 17" box
    Anne B 85, 5+2 band
    Willow 215 5 Rx

    Nick C 225 3+5 5# plate
    Alicia 125 pr 4+10 rom
    Shawna 125 pr 3+17 rom
    Sarmad 110 :)
    Samson 185 pr! 4+6 Rx
    Rob C 225 pr! 4+10 rom

    Michal 160 pr 6+10 Rx
    Erik 245 pr 4+14 rom
    Rachel 245 pr 4+8 Rx
    Mike C 135 pr 6+13 box abmat
    Lindsey 120 pr 4+10 rom
    Steph C 100 6 rom abmat sit-ups
    Ashley 135 pr 6 rom
    Danielle 145 pr :)
    Chris D 205 pr 4+4 Rx


  5. Rizzults of the first Timed Mile test of the season!

    Willow 5:59
    Laura Alt. 6:28
    King 6:31
    Olan 6:49
    John Lukini 7:33
    Borden 7:38
    Alona 7:47
    Jen S 7:48
    Mariana 7:52
    Aimee 7:58
    Ashley Mc. 8:15
    Jill A 8:45
