
W.O.D. 2.8.16


Cash out:
2 minutes Air Assault Bike (cals)
2 minutes Burpees (reps)
2 minutes Kettlebell Swings (35/55#) (reps)

Score is total Reps

Community Notes:
Join us on Friday, February 12th for our annual Valentine's Day Massacre. The workout will run in all classes throughout the day but there will be a special edition at 5:30PM with FREE babysitting. Bring your friends or loved ones for a FREE class!!

Don't forget to sign up for the OPEN. Check out games.crossfit.com for more information and don't forget to choose CrossFit King of Prussia for  your affiliate.  We will be drafting our internal teams on Sunday, February, 14th.

Join Giulia for the CrossFit Efficiency Series this Tuesday, February 9th at 6:30PM, the session will include Toes to Bar and Box Jump efficiency. 

“Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.”
― Judy Garland


  1. 6/7am
    Ben M 155#, 84reps (26.5kb)
    Mike S 215#, 76(44#russian swing)
    Sue K 85# (sub clean), 89reps(26.5)
    Kevin B 200#, 100reps Rx
    Mike Sim 365#, 111Rx
    Manisha 155#, 78reps Rx
    Joe C 305#, 103reps Rx
    Briana K 290#, 104Rx, 123 Rx(2nd go at it)

  2. 9:30 AM
    Jenna 210 PR 81 rx
    Jill A 205# 100 rx
    Jill H 225 #, 79 Rx
    Jackie 255# PR 83 rx
    Mary 155#, 84 26#
    Emma 123# :)
    Lauren C 165# 80 Rx
    Kevin 295 PR 95 (35#)
    Meggan 195# PR 87 rx

  3. 12:15 Express

    Scott R: 365# / 75 Rx
    Tim H: 315# / 86 Rx
    Rob C: 315# / 88 Rx
    Mike I: 110# / :) 35#
    Erika L: 135# / 93 Rx
    Denise W: 185# / 85# Squat Thrust
    Shane Mc: 325# / 123 Rx
    Pam G: 205# / 110 Rx

    - Clay

  4. 3:30/4:30/5:30/6:30

    Sarah W 135 PR 80, 26#
    Erik 315 PR 80 44#
    Julie 235# PR 83 Rx
    Beth R 183 PR 71, 26

    Alicia 145 PR 93#
    Jonathan 275, 103 Rx
    Josh 405, 100 Rx
    JZ 235 96 35#
    Karen 195 83 Rx
    Olan 315 87 Rx
    Dave 295 115 Rx
    Zak 335 91 Rx

    Jen S 150 PR 72 Rx
    Therese 163 85, 26#
    Ly 175 91 26#
    Giulia 225 88, 53 Russian
    Adam 225 106 rx
    Craig 275 72 Rx
    Josh 275 90 Rx
    Luke 275 90 Rx
    Alona 205 88 Rx
    Laura A 225 Pr 115 Rx
    Alejandra 155 85, 26#
    Stephanie 125 PR 92, 26#
    Melissa M 125 PR 78#
    Mariana 113 106, 26#

    Danielle 165m 88 35#
    Lori 95 :)
    Steve 185 :)
    Tim 165 :)
    Cait 115 :)
    Joe 165 76 35#
    Kris 175 73 35#
    Steph C 155, 90
    Kelly G 145 80 26#
    Michael 205 :)
    EJ 205 :)
    Sarmed 165 70 26#
    Michael C 185, 80 35#
    Faith 175, 85
    Rachel 275 107 Rx
    Matt 345 97 Rx
    Nate 245 102, 35#
    Dave N 345 94 Rx
    Jill 185 :)
    Borden 255 108, 35#

    Cash out
    Aimee 111 Rx
    Gordy 98 Rx
