
W.O.D. 2.26.16

 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
 8 burpees 
25-ft. overhead walking lunge 
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups 

 Men lunge 95 lb. Women lunge 65 lb. 

 Notes: Prior to starting this workout, each athlete will need to mark a starting point on the floor, measure out 25 feet and make another mark on the floor at the finishing point. Additionally, intermediate marks must be made at every 5-foot interval, each of which represents 1 rep of the lunge. 

 This workout begins with the barbell resting on the floor near the pull-up bar. At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete will pick up the barbell and lunge with it overhead for 25 feet. They will then perform 8 burpees, jumping over the barbell on each repetition, before picking the barbell back up and lunging back in the opposite direction. Once back at the pull-up bar, they will perform 8 chest-to-bar pull-ups, and then will head back to the barbell to begin the next round. Your score will be the total number of repetitions completed before the 20-minute time cap.

 Scaled (Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)

 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-ft. front rack walking lunge
8 burpees
25-ft. front rack walking lunge
8 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

 Men lunge 45 lb. Women lunge 35 lb.

Community Notes:
Check out games.crossfit.com for the open announcement tonight at 8:00PM!

Join us tonight for our first "FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS" from 4:30PM on... 

There will be free babysitting from 5:30PM-6:30PM.

Spectators are welcome.

We will have a group warm up and instruction at the start of the evening.
We will run heats throughout the night, you will be put into a heat in order of arrival. 
You are welcome to bring some beverages or snacks for a post workout "stink and drink".

“All you touch and all you see, is all your life will ever be”
― Pink Floyd


  1. Jeff B 156
    King 166
    Laura a 18
    LP 174
    Lauren H 18
    Alex L. 137

    Justin D 162
    Theresa L 286
    Ben M 195
    Kevin B 238
    Steve B 110
    Shari 202
    Mike Sa 187

  2. RX

    Jon P 163
    Josh B 162
    Jackie 18
    Dave H 158
    Cate 182
    Steph V 18
    Mike Sim 143
    Pam 160
    Dana 143
    Rob 90
    Mchugh 18
    Aimee 225
    Clay 163
    Jason L 114
    Tobin 187

    Jill H 191
    Mary H 157
    Kevin H 208
    Jonathan S 215
    TJ 143
    Barb C 156
    Manisha 216
    Jodilee 143
    Meggan 182
    Lauren c 215
    Erika L 218
    Meredith 148
    Jess A 140
    Jessie 169
    Joe M 146
    Terri 161

  3. Justin R 137 rx
    Roman 255 sc
    Jill A 166 rx
    Alex R 248 sc
    Julie r 18 rx
    Chris D 247 sc
    Danielle g 219 sc
    Flounder 39 rx
    Diane 95 rx
    Jenna 18 rx
    Josh P 126 rx
    Erik F 188 sc
    Keithie 208 rx
    Gordy 196 rx
    Ash B 166 rx
    Giulia 143 rx
    Luke 70 rx
    Dave N 151 rx
    Alejandra 13 rx
    Kevin McD 172 sc
    Mariana 195 sc
    Jon P 158 rx
    Jen s 73 rx
    Veronica 143 rx
    Timmy P 118 rx
    Alona 136 rx
    Mike C 182 sc
    Shawna 71 rx
    Ash Mc 196 sc
    Borden 120 rx
    Melissa 166 sc
    Steph M 189 sc
    JNA 78 sc
    Brian t 123 rx
    Regi 181 rx
    Fayth 161 sc
    Matt B 99 rx
    Pete W 180 rx
    Alison 73 rx
    Kris 166 sc
    Matt E 221 sc
    Amanda 237 sc
    Therese 160 sc
    Jill H 193 sc
    Alicia 195 sc
    Vania 240 sc
    CJ 239 sc
    Michal 129 rx
    Caitlyn 182 sc
    Cline 47 rx
    Matt C 158 rx
    Steph C 83 rx

    WOO HOO FOLKS what a night-THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who worked out, cheered, judged, volunteered, etc. What an amazing night.

  4. Wow! Vania, Jill and Caitlyn - way to represent the New Year, New You. Impressive performances. Sorry I could stay to watch you!!!! Hopefully next week. JNa
