
W.O.D. 1.5.16

For time:
Ring Muscle Ups
Clean and Jerks (135/205#)

Community Notes:
We are offering a NEW program, "New Year New You". Please tell a friend today. This is an all inclusive 6 week program for only $125. Any level and ability is welcome, the program begins on 1/11 and will run on M-W-F at 6:30PM. Click here to read more or click here to sign up today.

"It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required."
-Winston S. Churchill


  1. 9:30
    Elissa 9:00 rr/pdip x2 63
    Barb z 9:04 rr/brdx2 55

  2. 12:15 Express and 1:00 PM Masters
    Pam 13:17 105# banded MUT
    Erika 11:38 83# trans
    Mike I 13:58 95 banded dips
    Therese 7:04 85 PC 2:1 RR
    Tim H 7:01 95# 2:1 RR
    Shane 12:40 135#
    Jon P 14:41 175 # JMU
    Jessie 12:28 83# 2:1 scaled

    9/7/5 transitions/C&J
    Terry 8:21 55#
    Kevin 7:48 85#
    Barb C 10:06 55#

  3. 6:30pm
    Brian G 15:43 rr/pd 55hang
    Alex r 12:55 BPU/BRD 63
    Matt B 14:32 Trans+Dip 165
    Erika 13:54 PU+BRD 85
    Anne B 11:10 RR/BRD 55
    Steph C 13L54 JPU/BRD 85
    Fayth 14:14 JPU/BRD 85
    TJ 15:15 Trans+Dip 85
    Lindsey 12:10 RR/BRD 73
    Melissa M 13:10 Misc:)/PD 40hang
    Ashley M 14:41 RR/PD 78

    All Muscle up scales were 2:1

  4. 7:30
    Dave 15:04 (153#, transitions)
    Cline 13:16 135#, banded dips/pullups)
    Faby 16:58 Rx

    Welcome back to CrossFit Dan!

  5. 5:30

    Aimee 10:38 Rx
    Lejandra 11:12 65 sc
    Ben 11:18 135 sc
    Flounder 13:02 145 sc
    Adam 13:25 145 JMU
    Alona 14:28 95 JMU/SC
    Marni 11:02 65 sc
    Mariana 11:24 45 sc

    SC = 2:1 False Grip RR/Dip

  6. 4:30 PM
    Keith 13:47 rx
    Josh 10:24 135# JMU
    Bekah 8:50 105# PC sc
    Sarah G 9:58 55# sc
    Erik 11:20 135# sc
    Rich A 14:40 185#
    Karen M 10:43 83 PC sc
    Julie R 11:02 65# sc
    Rachel 10:09 70#sc
    Mike M 10:51 83#sc
    John Mc 11:54 135# sc

    sc= 1 transition, 1 dip, 1 pull-up

  7. 6am
    Matt R. 15:38 sc, 105
    Manisha 14:51 sc, 65
    Mike Sa 15:53 sc, 105
    Mike Si 13:55 RX
    Kevin B 14:44 sc, 100
    Justin 14:36 sc, 115
    Sue =)

    Regi 12:05 (trans/ pu) 125 cleans
    Joe 13:49 jmu, 165
    Mike R 14:55 sc, 95 hang clean
    Briana 15:30 sc, 125

    scale was 2:1 ring dips and pull- ups
