
W.O.D. 1.4.16

TEST DAY-Record Results

Three rounds for time of: 
Row 500 meters 
12 Deadlifts: body weight 
21 Box jump 20/24 inch box

Community Reminder: 
Join us on January 18th for a special MLK Day WOD and Fundraiser to benefit Steve's Club King of Prussia. Click here to read more about the event.

"Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently."
-Maya Angelou


  1. 6am
    King 14:24 rx
    Mike s 16:46 (135)
    Kevin b 13:18 Rx
    Justin D 19:53 Rx
    Jeff b 13:49 (205)
    Danielle g 15:15 (115)
    Briana k 14:26
    Theresa 13:39 113
    Manisha 15:51 Rx
    Matt r 15:04
    Ben m 15:51

    Peter 11:43 Rx
    Joe c 11:35 Rx
    Nick c 13:02 Rx
    Rob c 16:11 scale

  2. 9:30AM
    Rich A 11:33 rx
    Mark R 13:57 185 stepups
    Eileen 15:50 45# 17"
    Jill H 15:58 rx
    Jill A 14:17 rx
    John P 13:38 rx
    Fran 15:33 105# SU 17"
    Jackie 16:15 Rx
    Mary 17:40 135/85 17" su
    Sarah 16:58 85#/20"
    Jenna 17:35 rx
    David 15:02 123#
    Megan 16:11 135# 16"

  3. 4:30

    Anne Br 14:47 63# 17"
    Ashley 11:55 step-up
    John Mc 13:13 Rx
    Lucy 15:56 75# 17"
    Olan 15:08 Rx

  4. 3:30/5:30/6:30
    Aimee 11:56 Rx
    Rachel 13:07 Rx
    Steph V 14:19 135# 17" SU

    Julie 15:48 135#
    Shane 9:42 Rx
    Marni 14:42 123#
    Joe 12:19 rx
    Chris 13:45 rx
    Erik 16:20 205#
    Kevin 14:54 rx

    Jess A 16:25 115
    Brian T 14:43 190
    Keith 10:23 Rx
    Rob 15:40 Rx
    Dave 12:50 Rx
    Alejandra 15:55 105#
    Alex 13:35 85#
    Sheila 15:44 105#
    Stephanie M 16:30 85#
    Adam 14:03 Rx
    Patrick 13:44 185#
    Josh P 14:20 185#
    Alona 14:40 rx
    Jen S 15:25 105#
    Laura A 11:41 Rx
    Shawna 15:39 115#
    Zak 11:52 Rx

    Michal 14:31 rx
    Ashley M 15:45 95#
    Borden 14:42 135#
    Anne Bo15:25 105#
    Faith 15:15 105#
    Steph C 15:45 105#
    Melissa 17:31 83#
    Raj 15:55 105#
    Amanda 14:56 100#
    Dave 13:15 rx
    Mr. Influential and Inspiring 14:39 rx (cline)
    TJ 15:56 135#
    Nate 15:43 145#
    Michael C 14:15 115#
    Kris 14:12 85#

    Awesome classes and great intensity all around! It's gonna be a great 2016! Thank you to everyone for kicking it off right!

  5. 12:15 Express
    Pam G: 12:45 Rx
    Tim H: 16:25 185# 24"
    Mike Sim: 11:41 Rx
    Therese W: 18:35 103# 17"
    Emma: 18:00 85# 17"
    Mike I: 16:24 105# 24"


  6. Justin 11:56 rx. Can't believe I tied with Aimee for once :)
